Breakfast ideas?

Hi everyone, do you have breakfast ideas?


  • BekahC1980
    BekahC1980 Posts: 474 Member
    egg mcmuffin : english muffin, egg, meat of choice, optional cheese
    yogurt with granola
    waffle with peanut butter
    omlet with veggies
    breakfast burrito
    oatmeal with fruit
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    What do you like to you have time to cook?

    I'm not a morning person, so I prep breakfast the same way I prep lunch (the night before). I look for protein, fat and carbs to stay full longer.

    1 container lemon Greek yogurt
    1/2 C. blueberries
    2 TBL Grapenuts cereal
    1 TBL chopped pecans

    Dry ingredients in a zip lock bag. Wet ingredients in an oversized covered mug. In the a.m. I dump the 2 together & stir. I vary the yogurt flavor & added fruit.....Fiber One cereal is good add in too.
  • tmove2015
    tmove2015 Posts: 153 Member
    BekahC1980 wrote: »
    egg mcmuffin : english muffin, egg, meat of choice, optional cheese
    yogurt with granola
    waffle with peanut butter
    omlet with veggies
    breakfast burrito
    oatmeal with fruit

    Finally ideas in my taste buds and budget! Thank you!
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    smoothies!!! I love making them every morning... 1 banana, 1/2 cup milk, 1 cup frozen fruit, 1/2 cup kale, splash of oj, blend and enjoy! You can change this up and include peanut butter or oats, whatever suits your fancy.
    When i have time in the mornings (weekends) I love to make omelettes, english muffin sandwiches, pancakes, etc.
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    Overnight oats, every day! Make at night with oats and a liquid of your choice, add whatever you want to it. I have mine with coconut milk, pb2, and frozen mixed berries, usually. You can add nuts, dried fruit, whatever.
  • nicjbar73
    nicjbar73 Posts: 47 Member
    the egg mmcmuffins in bekahc1980 can be made up in batches wrapped in plastic wrap& froze. microwave for 1.5 mins . so can the bfast burritos. i do 3dozen of each, each week! makes for quick easy mornings( or when my teenagers are starving)
  • G33K_G1RL
    G33K_G1RL Posts: 283 Member
    2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon and kefir are my go to breakfast (I currently eat high protein)

    I pre cook my bacon in batches, keep it frozen, and heat the slices 10-15 seconds in the microwave.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    edited September 2015
    I eat fiber one or all bran buds with an 8oz cup of milk, every day.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    My son got a breakfast sandwich maker for Christmas last year. I thought it was a gimmick until I tried it. Now I use it all the time. Whole wheat English muffin, an egg, slice cheese, any kind of meat, and some mustard... About 280 calories.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    edited September 2015
    double post
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    edited September 2015
    double post (wtf?)
  • fatfrank44
    fatfrank44 Posts: 11 Member
    Second the overnight oats - they are delicious!

    I love avocado on toast with chilli and garlic, if I add a bit of smoked salmon then I am full for ages and have loads of energy :)

    Failing that.. ALL THE BLACK COFFEE
  • emmacken
    emmacken Posts: 161 Member
    I get up early during the week so I make my breakfast the night before. It's usually Carnation instant breakfast with almond milk or a couple of tablespoons of chia seeds in a cup of almond milk. On the weekends, however, breakfast is usually several eggs, bacon, fruit, and black coffee. How I prepare the eggs varies from scrambled, over easy, fried, or cooked into an omelet (omeletted?). I have also been known to eat leftovers for breakfast because in the end, what does it really matter if I'm having baked chicken and veggies for breakfast, lunch, or dinner?