Height - 5ft 2 Inches :)



  • mlcollins89
    mlcollins89 Posts: 87 Member
    preeJAY wrote: »
    I'm 5'1, started around 130 lb and aiming for 115 lb.

    The actual scale weight number doesn't mean much to me, though, as I am weight training and primarily looking to become leaner by gaining muscle and losing fat. I don't even own a scale :)

    LOVE this! I feel like when you're training you come to realize that the scale really doesn't mean much. You begin to read more into how your body feels (energized, tired, etc) how your clothes fit, and whether or not you can do another rep rather than if the scale went up or down.
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    Just shy of 5'3. Lost over 100 pounds. Thought I'd be happy anywhere between 120 and 130. Turns out I'm a pudgy slob until I'm around 110 or so. Probably because I don't have much muscle mass and I'm small boned. Yes, 10-15 pounds makes a huge difference when you're short and don't have much to lose. I'm 124 right now, when I get down to 114 I'll be wearing a pair of jeans comfortably that I can barely zip today. In part because I store almost every extra pound right on my gut with a couple left over for hips and thighs.
  • vivelajackie
    vivelajackie Posts: 321 Member
    My initial goal weight, and the one I have still set on my profile, is 240. Having started at 404 it seemed like a big deal. Now that I'm less than 50lbs from it I'm adjusting to around 150, which would put me in on the top of my healthy BMI. Good luck!
  • preeJAY
    preeJAY Posts: 46 Member
    My initial goal weight, and the one I have still set on my profile, is 240. Having started at 404 it seemed like a big deal. Now that I'm less than 50lbs from it I'm adjusting to around 150, which would put me in on the top of my healthy BMI. Good luck!

    WOW! Good job!
  • preeJAY
    preeJAY Posts: 46 Member
    preeJAY wrote: »
    I'm 5'1, started around 130 lb and aiming for 115 lb.

    The actual scale weight number doesn't mean much to me, though, as I am weight training and primarily looking to become leaner by gaining muscle and losing fat. I don't even own a scale :)

    LOVE this! I feel like when you're training you come to realize that the scale really doesn't mean much. You begin to read more into how your body feels (energized, tired, etc) how your clothes fit, and whether or not you can do another rep rather than if the scale went up or down.

    Lifters unite :) !
  • lisassss
    lisassss Posts: 3 Member
    I'm also just shy of 5' and it is so hard to lose the last 5lbs. My taller friends don't get how much difference a few lbs. makes when you're shorter. I am beginning to feel like I can't have any "cheat days" because they set me back so far. Does anyone else feel like that?

    I'm trying to focus on strength training and getting stronger. I have only been consistent for about a month and I think I can see changes but not sure.
  • Jmgkamp
    Jmgkamp Posts: 278 Member
    I'm 5'2", well really 5'1 &5/8" (since the *kitten* tall people at work insisted on measuring me, and I'm 42 so I'm shrinking). Started at 219, now at 153.7. Goal of 125 but it's random. I'll see how I feel when I'm 134 and go from there. Currently working on resistance training.

    Weight loss for the shorties is weird. I'm still 20+ pounds away, but gone are the huge losses each week. Now I bounce around for a couple of weeks and then lose 2 pounds randomly.
  • CarleeCastillo
    CarleeCastillo Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 5'1 and 145 pounds! My goal weight is at least 125. But I am really focused on eating healthier and gaining all my nutrients in my meals as well as burning calories by working out. I am concerned with my weight but when I look in the mirror I am starting to feel better by the changes I am making!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    lisassss wrote: »
    I'm also just shy of 5' and it is so hard to lose the last 5lbs. My taller friends don't get how much difference a few lbs. makes when you're shorter. I am beginning to feel like I can't have any "cheat days" because they set me back so far. Does anyone else feel like that?

    I'm trying to focus on strength training and getting stronger. I have only been consistent for about a month and I think I can see changes but not sure.

    I do feel 'cheat days' (although I don't like that term, prefer 'eating at or slightly above maintenance days') can mess up the weight loss. But there should still be progress, it will just be a little slower. It depends on how much you want to reach your goal, do you want it badly enough to forego your 'cheat day' or do you care that it will just take that bit longer to get to goal....its up to you :smile:
    When you're shorter every 5lbs makes a huge difference, sucks being small but we just have to make the best of it :smiley:
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I'm 5'2" and had gotten up to 169.8 lbs. before I had a mental heart attack and decided to start losing. My goal weight is 110, which is what I weighed all my life before I quit smoking in 2004. I've lost just over 30 pounds since December, slowly but surely, and have about 30 more to go. People who notice (it's amazing how many don't!) that I've lost weight say there's no way I need to lose 30 more. Oh, yes there is! My overweightness (is that a word?) is completely out of proportion, with skinny arms from the elbow down and skinny legs. I look somewhat like a chicken with most of the weight hanging around the middle and yikes in my face. Best of luck to you!
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    I'm 5ft0, age . Start was 128. First goal was 110, second goal was 105, then 100.
    I'm 98 lbs now but I think I'd like to be 95lbs.
  • yummypotroast
    yummypotroast Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 5'2"! I was around 115-117 lb when I started to lose weight. Now I'm at 106 and slowly working my way towards 100. :smile:
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    I'm 5'1" so close enough ;) I've only just come back after a couple of summer months off. (Started with a holiday and downward spiralled from there!)
    Anyways, goal wise, I was over 11 stone and would like to get to 9 stone. At my age and build I know I'll still look like me but a better version of me. I'm sure I could look extra hot and fit at 8 stone but quite frankly I'm never going to get there and would rather an achievable goal. This week I was 10 stone 4lb so I'm still lower than I was back at the start of 2015 but now it's jeans weather again I need to get back on this.
    I might change my goal when I hit 9 stone but seeing as that will (hopefully) be in December (my dad's birthday, mine, my husband's, Christmas etc) I can't see me doing very well that month so I'll reassess in the new year maybe.
  • Welshgem84
    Welshgem84 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm also 5"2. When I started this journey I was 194 lb and my GW was 119. Early last year I got to 124 and was toned with it but I couldnt maintain it due to the extreme workouts I was putting my self through. When I stopped them I went back up to 148. BUT I was so unhappy at 148 so I am trying again, currently 132 but really not toned at all so still unhappy really.

    However, that being said, this time I have decided I am not going to be specific (although still kinda want 119) but I will stop when I am happy and able to manage my life :)
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    Know who I've learned to envy? Tall pears. The hourglass is supposed to be so great, but it's really hard to work with. A tall pear, even with a few extra, is so much more attractive than I am when I'm even ten pounds overweight. And their boobs aren't quite as victimized by gravity as years go by. You lucky, lucky pears!
  • Optimistical1
    Optimistical1 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm 5ft0, age . Start was 128. First goal was 110, second goal was 105, then 100.
    I'm 98 lbs now but I think I'd like to be 95lbs.

    Lucky you! I'm 5'0" and would love to weigh 128 :/
  • blethenam
    blethenam Posts: 13 Member
    haydiz70 wrote: »
    I'm 5' 1.5", so close enough. I began at 180 and I'm 135 now. My goal is 125 but actually I'm pretty happy with my body at 135. It's sure a lot better than 180! I have a muscular build and I think 135 will be easier to maintain long term but we'll see. I'm still aiming for 125 and then I'll make a decision where I should ideally be.

    I am 5' 1.5" and restarted my weight loss journey less than a week ago at 180. This is the highest I have ever been (besides when I was pregnant). I have been 125 before and that is where I want to be again. Reading your comment gave me encouragement. Thank you!
  • PinkTadpole
    PinkTadpole Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'2 at 162lbs... giving this another try and ultimately would like to be 135. Good luck to everyone!
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    5'2" barely. My highest weight was 129, lowest was 107. I generally hang out in the 120-125 area (happy place where I can eat/drink/exercise and maintain easily), but I look best at 115.

    Whoever asked if that last 15lbs would make a difference, YES. I look like a completely different person. People start to ask if I've lost weight if I drop just 4-5lbs.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    5'0". I started at 140. My initial goal was 115, and I am almost there, but still have belly fat I want to get rid of. Honestly, I picked 115 because I didn't think I would ever be able to get any lower than that. I haven't been below 120 in a very long time. It was the weight where I would not "feel fat" and I looked good in clothes. Once I started losing and lifting weights, I realized I could do better than I thought. Now my goal is 105-110, but once my body fat gets to where I am happy, I would LOVE to gain 5 lbs in muscle. No idea how long that will take though.