EAT0023 Posts: 23 Member
Okay, so i want to start over on my fitness journey today. I haven't lost any weight in 7 months. All i have are excuses. I need to stay focused and just do it. I am slowly slipping back into poor eating choices, and it terrifies me. Anyone who is in the same boat, lets beat this together! Send me a friend request!


  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    I am in the same boat feel like fitness and health are slipping away
  • EAT0023
    EAT0023 Posts: 23 Member
    I know what you mean... its terrifying! I really need to get back on track, i know i have it in me to do well. I think finding a some people(the more the merrier) that i can talk to daily and stay accountable with is important. Its just frustrating. BLAH!
  • bcovely
    bcovely Posts: 57 Member
    I lost 50 pounds and had 10 to go. I gained 10 so now I have 20 to go...and I just can't get back on track. It is very frustrating!!!
  • Moni005
    Moni005 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm with you! I lost 60 pounds and then gained 35 back!!!!! I'm also done with the excuses, support is very important so I'll add you. Hopefully supporting each other will help us both reach our goals!
  • Its so bad forme i feel depressed sometimes
  • EAT0023
    EAT0023 Posts: 23 Member
    Oh trust me i head ya! i lost about 40 from december 2014 to may 2015... I have gained 3 since then. I have got to lose the weight! 3 months until the new year, i want to lose 30 pounds before January 1st 2016! This is day one for me.
  • exstromn
    exstromn Posts: 176 Member
    Hi, I lost 60 then got some kind of will power block and stayed there most of the summer and then gradually gained back 5 or 6. Puttin the breaks on that and reengaging with my calorie goals and exercise. I'm already seeing progress, yes we can do this!
  • johnzdroikjr
    johnzdroikjr Posts: 5 Member
    Good luck! You've done it before, do it again!
  • EAT0023
    EAT0023 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you all for replying to my post, I know we all can start over today. If we all just get 45 min or cardio in and eat within out MFP calorie goals it will melt off! I know its A LOT harder than it sounds, but i am really going to make it a point to workout everyday. There is no reason why i cant do 45 min a day, my excuse has been laziness!
  • TracyeS4
    TracyeS4 Posts: 746 Member
    I'm on a serious plateau... if you can call it that. I have gained and lost the same 3 - 4 pounds over and over again. It has been such a busy summer and I have had A LOT of fun. Now summer is ending and I need to start over and really watch my portion sizes. I also have vowed to avoid alcohol until Thanksgiving. That is gonna be hard!
  • zia_gal
    zia_gal Posts: 108 Member
    I haven't lost much weight, as I'm up and down. I have toned up and am stronger. I'll friend ya'!
  • EAT0023
    EAT0023 Posts: 23 Member
    zia gal, i too am up and down with the same 4 pounds. It strange because i have a good amount to lose. Its my eating though, i know it. I am going to make a point of only eating back half of my calories that i burn from now on. I dont care if i burn 100 calories, i will only eat 500 back.
  • slvc0721
    slvc0721 Posts: 82 Member
    edited September 2015
    I hear ya too, I have lost 48lbs so far and have 16 to go and have been struggling since July. I have some really GREAT days even weeks then I fall and lose ground. UGH!!! As long as we keep getting up and trying we have won half the battle, now lets GET up and STAY up and WIN THIS WAR!!!!!!
  • EAT0023
    EAT0023 Posts: 23 Member
    yes slvc0721! I love your attitude.
  • I stayed in that bad habits cycle and all it leads to is regret and regaining all the weight (if not even more). I recently gave myself a fresh start ad so far so good :) I'll definitely friend you, anyone going through this knows we have to stick together!
  • EAT0023
    EAT0023 Posts: 23 Member
    Yes, and thank you for that NowIsTheTime!
  • AnitaBeren
    AnitaBeren Posts: 4 Member
    I'm with you. I'm three weeks in. Gotta keep going!
  • HippyEss
    HippyEss Posts: 2 Member
    Oh, boy. This post resonates with me. I'd gotten myself to start eating healthier, and then the holidays hit last year....Now I'm up ten pounds and slowly creeping upward (hence why I'm here!). Boo....</3