Six pack abs - Anyone trying to get rid of that last layer of fat?

Hi Everyone,

I'm male, 6ft, currently 171lb from 195lbs.

This is my very first post on MFP.

Just thought I'd see if anyone was in the same position as me and in the final stages and close to achieving six pack abs.

I've been trying for a while now and I'm determined to finally see my abs in their full glory, ha. I do 2-3 days a week in the gym as well as Thai Boxing 2 times a week.

I feel I've got my diet sorted and macros under control and finding it reasonably easy, not hungry etc... I use and track everything on MFP.

I was loosing weight at 1800 calories per day but found i plateaued at about 180lbs. From there I had to reduce calories again to 1500 and then started to see some progress again.

I know 1500 is low but I do have a day or 2 a week when I will eat up to 1800/2000 and another day or 2 a week when I'll eat as little as 1000 or even slightly under. I've tried a few things but this has seemed to get me past my plateau which was difficult and it also allows me to be flexible and mixes things up a bit.

I always try to eat approx 130g of protein every day to minimise muscle loss. Normal Macros: 45% Protein - 30% Carbs - 25% Fat. On lower calorie days, I generally reduce carbs and fat and keep protein high.

Now that I'm making good progress again, I feel I'm closer than ever. Hopefully there are some guys and girls out there in a similar place as me that may want to discuss tactics and share progress and motivation.

Although my weight continues to drop and I am seeing improvement in definition, this last layer of fat covering my abs is taking longer than I thought!! Haha.

The picture on my profile was at approx 180lbs, I will post current one asap...



  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Well done mate, it seems like you have it all under control and know what your doing to achieve the results you want. I know some people will say that you don't have to hit abs directly and that compound exercises and diet is sufficient, but I've found that isolation work on the abs really does help. Basically I treat them like any other muscle and do weighted isolation exercises on my abs a couple of days a week. I'm bulking at the momment so I've kissed my abs goodbye (for now!). Although you probably wont build much new muscle in a deficit they will certainly "pop out" more. Good luck.
  • keithgreenkg
    keithgreenkg Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks man,
    I've just started using the pull up bar a lot (couldn't do a pull up until loosing the weight, ha) but using that combined with different exercises like hanging leg raises etc seems to be helping the whole upper body definition and seems to be increasing muscle even though I'm in a deficit. Maybe just more defined with the loss of fat?
  • beastier
    beastier Posts: 1,908 Member
    Hi mate

    Sounds like you & I are about the same weight wise (I'm currently 172-174lb) & I've lost 8lb in the last 5-6 weeks through tweaking my diet after advice from a PT when he reviewed my MFP diary & I would say it's only in the last 2 weeks I've noticed good development in my abs.

    I aim for 2,300 calories a day but looking at your summary I workout about twice as much so I burn off more calories. Your training is probably a good quality but the key is to keep changing it - both weights exercises & cardio. Eg in weights I change my sessions when I've done them twice & pretty much religiously time my rests between sets.

    I don't have separate cardio days as I'll try & do a bit at the end of my weights sessions (that way theoretically you've used all your carbs on weights & wil be in the fat burning zone for your cardio. I of course don't achieve the same quality on cardio as if doing it fresh but I'm not looking to be proficient just butn off the most fat I can.

    You also need to keep your cardio fresh as your body quickly gets used to it - eg I'll have a fortnight on each thing before I change between swimming, running, circuits, etc. my approach over the last 12 months has been pretty much all HIIT but I'm even get used to that now so for a while I've switched back to more steady state/longer duration cardio. Basically how much you sweat will tell you how effective - so if you've got swear going into your eyes you've had a good session

    Lastly the best tip my PT game me on my diet was to analyse the types of carbs I was eating. I was eating a lot of sugary carbs in the form of whole fruit but he advised me to drop sugars (I more than halved my intake) & focus on getting starchy carbs. I would say this alone accounted for my recent half stone loss after my weight has been level for months.

    Hope this helps - though of course we're all different & feel free to check out my diary if you like
  • keithgreenkg
    keithgreenkg Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the reply!
    That's interesting!
    So you've lost 8lb in the last 5 weeks but only seen real definition in abs in the last 2!
    So basically, the difference in significant definition must have only been 2-3lb once they started coming through properly and defined?
  • beastier
    beastier Posts: 1,908 Member
    I think it's a lot to do with the areas you really want to see are the hardest & therefore last places the fat remains

    Is your food diary available to view & I'll happily have a quick look at it?
  • keithgreenkg
    keithgreenkg Posts: 19 Member
    I've just made it available to view.
    If you look at the last week or 2 that will give a fairly good representation of what I'm doing right now. I was on holiday for a couple of weeks before that so it's blank. Prior to that was at the slightly higher calorie intake but similar foods really.
  • beastier
    beastier Posts: 1,908 Member
    Just had a look at the last few days - essentially if it's keeping you satisfied & sufficiently energised it looks good.

    With peanut butter, although it's high in protein is also very high in calories which is why I only use it as a mid-morning snack to get past the hunger. I probably wouldn't go for it as a component of a main meal line you did with breakfast.

    Interesting you don't eat the egg yolks - there's a lot of goodness in them & a lot of false nonsense about the cholesterol being bad for you.

    Your sugar intake looks fine, though you probably want to switch more focus on your sodium/salt intake as this could be bad for your health in the long term (eg you should aim for around 2,400mg of sodium a day whereas when you have baked beans its accounting for half your daily allowance)

    Just my thoughts anyway - though I can only draw on what works for me. I try to eat regularly as otherwise I get hungry, it looks like you might err towards less frequent but bigger intakes, so you may want to try playing around with that.
  • keithgreenkg
    keithgreenkg Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks man,

    Yeh, I use egg whites in a carton, poached. That was a recent change when I reduced my calories. I do like the beans on occasion because it makes me feel like I'm having a full cooked breakfast a couple of times a week - beans on 2 dry protein toast, 2 poached egg whites and mushroom. It's like a healthy full English haha. Maybe I can get some reduced salt ones tho!

    I could easily take the peanut butter out of the porridge to give me more calories to play with if needed later in the day.

    Ultimately tho, I'm never hungry, I find 3 good size high protein meals keeps me satisfied along with the odd protein shake and piece of fruit.

    I'm sure I'll get there soon enough, I'll keep you informed... :)

    What's your goal now? Are you going to bulk soon or just maintain?
  • beastier
    beastier Posts: 1,908 Member
    My goal has basically been to get in what I'd consider my best possible shape leading up to a fortnight is Disney & my 40th bday next month. I basically wanted to see what I could achieve in terms of getting ripped.

    I like being slim so I'm not craving bulking up but I'll need to see how I'm motivated when I'm back from hols in November. I love the training & progress I'm making but I might "normalise" a bit when I get back

    Good luck with yours
  • keithgreenkg
    keithgreenkg Posts: 19 Member
    Anyone else reading this thread, please feel free to post your almost/near six pack experiences, ha
  • NCSteveVH
    NCSteveVH Posts: 85 Member
    For what it's worth, I found that the difference in my abs showing and not showing is only about 5 pounds. I can lose sight of them after a long weekend of eating and drinking too much! Apparently my abs are the last place I lose body fat and the first place I gain it. I just had my annual Bod Pod test and while I'm at 12.9% body fat, I still manage to have 4 abs showing fairly well and the bottom two trying to make an appearance (may never happen). I do mostly compound lifts (Bench Press, OHP, Deadlifts, Squats, plus a ton of pull ups/push up), but I also throw in twice-per-week isolation work on my core, such as Toes to Bars, L-sits, and weighted GHD sit-ups. I don't want to lose any more overall weight so I will continue with my long, slow, steady recomp and just see what happens. At 51 yrs old, I'll be happy if I can just maintain what I've accomplished over the last two years. In my experience, its 99% nutrition....
  • beastier
    beastier Posts: 1,908 Member
    Id go with that Steve re your final point on nutrition - I've not done any isolated abs work in months (as they're central to the big power movements when you're shifting heavy weights). It's all about removing the surrounding layers of fat.

    And also agree that there so sought after because they are the last place fat is lost & th me first where it's gained
  • keithgreenkg
    keithgreenkg Posts: 19 Member
    Cheers Steve,
    I'm kinda thinking that I'm pretty close... Probably that 5lb in the wrong direction. I think I'll crack it within the next month with any luck. You're certainly doing well at 51, I'm 35, my ultimate goal is to achieve and then maintain a six pack until 50+ hahahahaha
  • smokingroaches
    smokingroaches Posts: 30 Member
    I've been trying so hard to at least get a 4 pack! All I have is a dip on my stomach which is visible sometimes in the morning or when the light hits it just right!!! Lol I'm stuck and don't know what else to do. N e help will be greatly appreciated
  • keithgreenkg
    keithgreenkg Posts: 19 Member
    I know the feeling mate!
    I've cut calories again recently while keeping protein high and it seems to be working... Just about to increase weight training (I already do a lot of cardio) I've just added you...
  • Celtic_Wanderer
    Celtic_Wanderer Posts: 24 Member
    Interesting thread, very helpful comments. In the past I have had, to some degree anyway, a half-decent but not at all well-defined set of abs but my problem is I get lazy, stop exercising and do what I enjoy, eating!

    I'm not overweight, in fact I am a healthy weight for my height but I am carrying more fat than I want to and it does show slightly in the belly surprise there!

    My current goal is to lose another 7.5% BF (currently at 19.5%) and then I'll see how things progress from there IF I ever get that far. I have never really been determined enough and usually crack before I reach my goal but then I see other people with amazing abs and read their stories and think, 'yes I can do it'. I just need a kick up the backside to get me going and keep going, so I am hoping over time people here might provide the digital 'kick' from time to time :)
  • keithgreenkg
    keithgreenkg Posts: 19 Member
    Interesting thread, very helpful comments. In the past I have had, to some degree anyway, a half-decent but not at all well-defined set of abs but my problem is I get lazy, stop exercising and do what I enjoy, eating!

    I'm not overweight, in fact I am a healthy weight for my height but I am carrying more fat than I want to and it does show slightly in the belly surprise there!

    My current goal is to lose another 7.5% BF (currently at 19.5%) and then I'll see how things progress from there IF I ever get that far. I have never really been determined enough and usually crack before I reach my goal but then I see other people with amazing abs and read their stories and think, 'yes I can do it'. I just need a kick up the backside to get me going and keep going, so I am hoping over time people here might provide the digital 'kick' from time to time :)

    Hi mate,
    I know he feeling, I've always let myself get down to a comfortable weight and then relaxed everything and put a bit back on then lost it again then put it back on.. constant up and down!
    This time I'm already in the best shape I've been for years and I'm determined to achieve a decent, nice, full and well defined six pack... maybe then I'll be motivated enough to keep improving from there... That's the idea anyway! Ha
    It just takes persistence and commitment until it's achieved... Oh yeh, and a bit of hard work and determination:) I'll update this post down the line with some impressive pictures with any luck, ha.