Looking for an accountability buddy

Hey guys! Trying to find a buddy that's trying to eat better also so we can hold each other accountable for what goes in our mouths and help support each other when we're having bad days. I currently haven't added excercise into my routine, just trying to get my diet handled first! Any takers?


  • starfishwendy
    starfishwendy Posts: 84 Member
    Yes, please add me if interested.
  • kalpana5185
    kalpana5185 Posts: 10 Member
    Yes, please add me if interested.
    Yes, feel free to add me
  • ilovecereal1982
    ilovecereal1982 Posts: 1,194 Member
    I know nothing about accounting....account me out...sorry :(
  • jeanle13ottie
    jeanle13ottie Posts: 1 Member
    Me too! I'm pretty good with exercise but terrible at keeping up with MFP, which I'm using to help me lower my sugar in take and raise my caloric awareness. I'm wanting to find a committed 2 month buddy to check in at least weekly together to ask:
    1. How accurately or consciously we logged food (and/or anything else you'd like) for the past week
    2. How satisfied we are with our food and exercise intake for the week
    3. What we are proud of or what small victory we had the past week
    4. a new and small 3-6 day goal/challenge for the upcoming week
    Let me know of you seriously want to commit for at least 8 weeks. We can choose a day and get started!
  • Katie_Y89
    Katie_Y89 Posts: 330 Member
    Add me! I'm looking for a buddy as well :)
  • SarahM12
    SarahM12 Posts: 5 Member
    Same here. Feel free to add me
  • deneenae
    deneenae Posts: 97 Member
    Feel free to add me. I think it's great you're start out strategically! If you start on too many things at one it can get overwhelming and ultimately could lead to demise.