New Here

Hi, my name is Toni and I live in Norman, Oklahoma. I am originally from Phoenix, Arizona and have lived all over this wonderful country of ours!
I started gaining weight the end of 1999. My Mom had Alzheimers and I had just moved from San Diego to Orlando. I was depressed to be so far away and unalble to help with my Mom. On top of that I was in a highly disfunctional marriage. I also have Lupus which I have had to go on steriods for several times over the years. The last time I was on steroids I gained 20 pounds in two weeks!
I am determined to get healthy. I am not on any specific diet, I am just changing my eating habits to be healthy and proportional.
I am a terrible speller and I know that, so I am sorry in advance for any spelling errors!
I have two boys Joe, 22 and Ben 19. I have a wonderful husband now that is the love of my life. We have only been married for 3 years, but have known each other for over 30. (ARGH I AM OLD!!)
We are planning our delayed honeymoon to Hawaii for this spring, so that is my goal....not to be "obese" by then!
Join me on my weightloss journey!
God Bless!


  • Welcome Toni, honeymoon in Hawaii now that's great motivation!
  • Congrats on taking this step! We all have had challenges that got us to where we are today! You have a great event coming your way and that is an excellent goal to work towards. I wish you the best of luck!
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    Welcome Toni!!!
    Good Luck on your Journey.
  • mslindafranco
    mslindafranco Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome Toni! You will love this site I hope you will enjoy it as I have!
  • toni1011
    toni1011 Posts: 13 Member
    Well, it is 4 years later and I am here AGAIN...still trying to lose weight. This time I report to my dr. every month. I am on a 1500 calorie diet. I go to bed hungry and wake up earlier each morning because I am starving. Pretty soon I will have breakfast at midnight! UGH! Maybe I should just be fat and happy.