Just Getting Started

Hi! I am new to this fitness program and would like friends to join me on this journey. My goal is to lose 40 pounds in 5 months. I have a hard time getting motivated to exercise but the calorie restriction is no problem. I like to be in control so this works for me. My lifestyle is sedentary so the pounds just crept up on me. Now with myfitnesspal I am watching every calorie I eat. But progress is so slow! I wish I could just snap my fingers and I would be back in my size 8 jeans!! Which are still hanging in the closet when that day comes!!


  • korenelm
    korenelm Posts: 7 Member
    Hi!. I am new too - started about 12 days ago. My goal is pretty similar. 45 pounds in 6 months. I also have issues with motivation, I am sedentary too. My pounds came up on me after I had my daughter (6 years ago) and when I met my husband (4 years ago) I guess happiness is bad for my waist line LOL. I wish it was easier. The food around me is so tempting. My husband can eat anything and nevr gain weight (he is a UPS driver so he moves all day) and with 3 kids food is fast and yummy. Not always good for me.
  • nancyjjohnson65
    Hi! There are M&M candies on the table next to me and I just shrugged it off. My husband reminds me constantly that he is not on a diet!! He is a security officer and also spends his day walking miles patrolling. I on the other hand find it excruciating to walk 2 miles!! Looking forward to my next weigh in on 3 weeks. I only weigh once a month at my doctor appointments. I don't want to get discouraged and obsessive over the scale. How often do you weigh?