I've lost 85lbs so far, and it's life changing :)

Thought I'd share a little bit of my journey. I'm a 41yr old male 5'11, and have been overweight my whole life. Even seeing pictures of me as a kid I was fat so I have no idea what being normal was like. I've tried dieting my whole life but nothing ever worked. Last year I was in bad health and had horrible back pain, pain in my knees walking around, and was borderline diabetic. I was over 300 pounds and hated looking at myself in the mirror.

It was at this point I decided I don't want to live like this anymore. My wife told me about MFP so I started logging everything I ate, and it was a real eye opener how my crap I was eating. I changed the way I ate, and started eating healthier. Went from eating a whole pizza a couple times a week to chicken/fish/veggies. Once I did this the weight started to drop off, and before I knew it I was 265.

At this point I was starting to feel better and just started walking to get things moving, and next thing I knew I was seeing a real change in my body. It was crazy since I started wearing 3XL shirts, and size 46 pants. The pants sizes kept getting small and I was a 2 XL.

I got all the way down to 215lbs no more back pain, knees no longer hurt, no longer borderline diabetic, cholesterol was normal. It was crazy. I did have one set back 4 weeks ago I had bilateral inguinal hernia and just getting back from it, and I did gain 7lbs and got up to 222. I'm bouncing back and down to 220 and should be back to 215 in no time.

What crazy is I haven't been this size since Jr High. When I started I just wanted to get to 250 I could never imagine being where I'm at today. I now wear XL shirts and size 36 pants which is insane. I can shop at normal stores, and not big & tall. Now I may try to see if I can get to 199lb that would be insane. I could never image thinking that it's mind blowing.

One thing I have learned it's not a diet, because that is temporary. It's a life change you have to commit to a change you live your life. The way to think, and do things. I know I never want to go back to that life. Best of luck to everyone one their own personal journey's. if you put your mind to it anything is possible.


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    That's wonderful. Keep it up. Keep logging in maintenance for a while. Lift some weights. You're gonna be so healthy!
  • hamelle2
    hamelle2 Posts: 297 Member
    I am so happy for you! Cogratuations and may you continue maintenance with the same determination. :)
  • AntonVan74
    AntonVan74 Posts: 13 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    That's wonderful. Keep it up. Keep logging in maintenance for a while. Lift some weights. You're gonna be so healthy!

    Thanks WBB55 I don't do a lot of weight training but I do kettle bells. I got the ok from my Dr that I can start again today after my hernia surgery so ready to start up again.
  • AntonVan74
    AntonVan74 Posts: 13 Member
    hamelle2 wrote: »
    I am so happy for you! Cogratuations and may you continue maintenance with the same determination. :)

    thanks for the encouragement hamelle2 I'm in it for the long haul which is the rest of my life. Full steam ahead
  • Nathy_F
    Nathy_F Posts: 40 Member
    Congrats:) !!!!!! , keep it up, thx for sharing

    AntonVan74 wrote: »
    Thought I'd share a little bit of my journey. I'm a 41yr old male 5'11, and have been overweight my whole life. Even seeing pictures of me as a kid I was fat so I have no idea what being normal was like. I've tried dieting my whole life but nothing ever worked. Last year I was in bad health and had horrible back pain, pain in my knees walking around, and was borderline diabetic. I was over 300 pounds and hated looking at myself in the mirror.

    It was at this point I decided I don't want to live like this anymore. My wife told me about MFP so I started logging everything I ate, and it was a real eye opener how my crap I was eating. I changed the way I ate, and started eating healthier. Went from eating a whole pizza a couple times a week to chicken/fish/veggies. Once I did this the weight started to drop off, and before I knew it I was 265.

    At this point I was starting to feel better and just started walking to get things moving, and next thing I knew I was seeing a real change in my body. It was crazy since I started wearing 3XL shirts, and size 46 pants. The pants sizes kept getting small and I was a 2 XL.

    I got all the way down to 215lbs no more back pain, knees no longer hurt, no longer borderline diabetic, cholesterol was normal. It was crazy. I did have one set back 4 weeks ago I had bilateral inguinal hernia and just getting back from it, and I did gain 7lbs and got up to 222. I'm bouncing back and down to 220 and should be back to 215 in no time.

    What crazy is I haven't been this size since Jr High. When I started I just wanted to get to 250 I could never imagine being where I'm at today. I now wear XL shirts and size 36 pants which is insane. I can shop at normal stores, and not big & tall. Now I may try to see if I can get to 199lb that would be insane. I could never image thinking that it's mind blowing.

    One thing I have learned it's not a diet, because that is temporary. It's a life change you have to commit to a change you live your life. The way to think, and do things. I know I never want to go back to that life. Best of luck to everyone one their own personal journey's. if you put your mind to it anything is possible.

  • advisingwench
    advisingwench Posts: 53 Member
    Congrats! I'm also down 85 lbs... race ya to the end! ;)
  • AntonVan74
    AntonVan74 Posts: 13 Member
    Congrats! I'm also down 85 lbs... race ya to the end! ;)

    awesome it feels good doesn't it :) and the end is when you're in the grave :p
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    I love reading such posts. It makes me so happy and optimistic. I have a good 30 lbs to lose and boy is it hard! But I won't give up. I'm getting this done!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Welcome, @AntonVan74!

    Good job! isn't it amazing what weight loss does?!
  • AntonVan74
    AntonVan74 Posts: 13 Member
    krithsai wrote: »
    I love reading such posts. It makes me so happy and optimistic. I have a good 30 lbs to lose and boy is it hard! But I won't give up. I'm getting this done!

    It's a lot of hard work and discipline, but it's so worth it. Good luck on your journey and success :smile:
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    This story makes me so happy. Thank you for sharing it, @AntonVan74 :smile:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Congrats! I'm also down 85 lbs... race ya to the end! ;)

    Congrratulations to you as well! I love reading stuff like this, it makes my day. :D
  • AntonVan74
    AntonVan74 Posts: 13 Member
    justrollme wrote: »
    This story makes me so happy. Thank you for sharing it, @AntonVan74 :smile:

    :smile: hopefully it helps someone who is in the same situation and shows that it can be done if you really want it. I've never been this thin before at any point in my life, and it really is life changing.
  • lubalubies
    lubalubies Posts: 7 Member
    Thats so good to hear. congrats
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Oh, we'll done!
    Cheers, h.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Fantastic progress! You're doing so, so well! Keep up the amazing work!
  • FrankWhite27330
    FrankWhite27330 Posts: 316 Member
    Way to go!! That's awesome man.... keep it up and stay dedicated we do this for the future, and what we have to look forward to.