Zero Self Control?

I'm one of those people who have almost no self control towards most things, but it's especially bad with food (sugary food mostly) and I sometimes end up bingeing. I know it's easier to just get rid of the bad food but I live with my parents (leaving the house is not an option) and they buy a ton of chocolate and chips, since self control or weight issues are not a problem for them. I've told them time and time again to limit buying junk food but the only answer I get is "Just don't eat it" but it's not that easy for me.

What should I do in a situation like this? I keep seeing chocolates and biscuits everywhere in this house and I can't just go past it without ending up eating a bar of chocolate..
(PS: None of family is overweight, it's just me)


  • moose_mama
    moose_mama Posts: 32 Member
    I'm the same way with sweets, so I usually try to plan them into my day. I try to save 100-150 calories everyday for something sweet and I always eat it at the end of the day. For me, it got easier to not eat the sweets during the day if I knew I was planning my sweet snack for after dinner. When I cut the sweets out completely, I was more likely to binge on them.
  • amyhs12345
    amyhs12345 Posts: 18 Member
    I am in the same situation! My parents are always buying chips or making sweets. It is a lot harder than it seems to just not eat them! I try and get them to make the homemade sweets a little healthier by substituting out the butter or oil and even though this is embarassing, I make my mom hide the chips from me. I also agree that's it's helpful to plan the sweets into my day.
  • ilovecereal1982
    ilovecereal1982 Posts: 1,194 Member
    I like that I'm reading this 1130pm....and eating fruit roll up...noooo...not a homemade dried fruit rolled up...nope...straight up fruit rollup...with designs that can peel out.
  • klaurea
    klaurea Posts: 1 Member
    Yeah, I was in that situation before. I would try telling myself that I would only eat a certain amount of sweets, put them on a small plate (tricking my brain into thinking I have a lot), & put the remainer away so I don't go grabbing at them when I'm done eating. I also like to drink a full glass of water after and try to occupy myself so I don't come running back to them. But most definitely, will power is what's needed, but start slow. Allow yourself a certain amount of sweets per day, then every other day, etc. Hope that helps!