not too big to move

Ok....I will
i have got a LOT to lose
Im 5'0 and weight 250
so i wanna drop about 150 i think
I know I KNOW i must exercsie.But with this weight...Its hard for now
and Im on my feet at work alllll day
So im in a lot of pain...back and knees kill me always
I cant afford a proper doctor for now(working on that)
Does anyone have an idea of SOMETHING i can do until i shed a bit more and
then would be easier to do a more extensive work out?
No gym,,etc...something at home...etc
hope you can help,,,Thanks


  • wannabeeskinny
    Ok....I will
    i have got a LOT to lose
    Im 5'0 and weight 250
    so i wanna drop about 150 i think
    I know I KNOW i must exercsie.But with this weight...Its hard for now
    and Im on my feet at work alllll day
    So im in a lot of pain...back and knees kill me always
    I cant afford a proper doctor for now(working on that)
    Does anyone have an idea of SOMETHING i can do until i shed a bit more and
    then would be easier to do a more extensive work out?
    No gym,,etc...something at home...etc
    hope you can help,,,Thanks
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    If you live near a school/hotel with a pool, they might charge a small (a $1-$2) fee to use their pool. Water walking would be great.

    If not, how about Yoga? walk off the pounds videos?

    Sorry I'm not more help, others might have better ones.
  • workinonit
    Turn on your radio to your favorite music and dance!! Get a can of vegtables or something similar for each hand and make sure you get your arms moving too. Not only will you burn calories, but it will make you feel better too.
  • wannabeeskinny
    yoga at home may be good
    I would be embarrassed to do it out
  • wannabeeskinny
    i love to dance
  • Chellekk
    Chellekk Posts: 421 Member
    You can use resistance bands! If you need to sit down while using them...that's fine. Just get your body moving and burning. The rest will come later once you've dropped some weight, gotten stronger, and ready to move forward with something new.
  • Chellekk
    Chellekk Posts: 421 Member
    Oh. Even hand weights (use while sitting) are good. OR...the weights you can hook around your ankles.

    Any strength training will help you shed pounds and gear you towards more cardio.
  • renae5
    renae5 Posts: 393 Member
    Any and All movement can be exercise, so start slow and have fun. You could start by adding more movement to your everyday chores. I turn on the music, or just sing my own, and dance around while I vacuum, cook dinner, wash dishes, everything. My kids think I am CRAZY but I say "hey, what the heck, needs to be done so might as well be fun!" Besides the better you feel, the more you'll do and the healthier you'll get and low and behold... you feel even BETTER!!
    Good Luck, YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I am a big woman and I was 297 when I started to exercise. It may seem like you cant do it but you can. I weigh 264 now and I go to Step class 3 times a week and a bellies booties and biceps class on Tues and a Bosu class on Thursday. I actually just did a 5K on Thursday. I had to walk quite a bit of it but it feels great to know that I did it. It may take you a little to work up your endurance but you can do it. If you can go out and get some Dvd's to start out with. I started with the Biggest Loser cardio one and I actually just bought the 30 day shred one today. I need to try that one out.

  • gingermoon
    gingermoon Posts: 239 Member
    You can do simple things in chairs.
    Like torso twists, use bottles of water as weights and work on your upper body strength.
    There are also some yoga dvd's I've seen that are for chair users.
    It takes you through workout routines that keeps you sitting in a straight back chair.

    Start slow..... any repetitive movement you do will help you work to your goal and get you to a more traditional workout.
    Take it slow and don't get discouraged, it'll come to you!!
    Building up stamina takes time, you'll get there! :flowerforyou:
  • wannabeeskinny
    ok so let me ask this
    I was watching Ruby
    the tv programme with the lady from Savanah?ok well she ahd been working out with a trainer.Then she went away for a few days and he was not there.SO she walked for her exercsie.Ok he said she wasnt really doing much help because it was casual walking and not raising a sweat.i had thought anything would be a good thing
    am i rambling?lol..yeah
    but that is why im mixed up i guess
  • tmbish82
    i would totally recommend leslie sansone's walking dvd's!!! i know how you feel about wanting to work out at home.... when you already feel big you don't want people watching you try to work out!!! :embarassed: they are great videos with alot of different levels for beginners and stuff... and when you get stronger you can add weights and stuff. they are only about $10 at target!
  • ejy5002

    That is a brief summary of how the heart rate stuff works. You don't want to go too slow so that your heart isn't pushing, but you won't lose weight if you work yourself too hard either. Weight loss is SIGNIFICANTLY easier than fitness training because of this, but a lot of people don't realize you don't have to work as hard to just drop weight as you would to get in serious shape.
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Well you do want to do something that will raise your heartrate to an extent. So if you are walking just make sure that you walk fast enough to where you do raise your heartrate. If not you wont be in a cardio zone and really wont be burning much fat. Also you do want to get better endurance.

  • tmbish82
    oh p.s. :tongue: walking is a great exercise!!! i lose weight very quickly when i walk... and i'm not really a sweating kind of person.... not that i don't like to sweat just that i don't really do it. it takes alot to get me to sweat for some reason. walking can definitely get your heart rate up!!
  • medalia
    medalia Posts: 6 Member
    You need to build up your self confidence and just KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!

    I have a really large friend who has the same issues, she is now going to the pool a few days a week, feels better and started walking.

    Here are some fun & very easy things I am doing.
    - Stand up & high step in place while watching a tv show or music or movie, video etc.
    - Do stretching and yoga moves during commercials.
    - Keep a fitness ball nearby, when I find myself couch potato-ing, I use it!
    - Take longer strides to stretch hip flexors, it feels good too!
    - Load the ipod with dance tunes & dance while cleaning, esp. fun with the broom, mop & vacuum. My kids & I crank up old 80's dance stuff and jam thru the housework, its allot of fun esp. when you take air guitar breaks.
    - Same as above with gardening & raking the yard but I make exaggerated lunges and stretch while doing it.

    I found this stuff really hard to do at first but I am determined & have been at it daily, just 30 mins a day. My posture has improved immensely and I can feel my balance is so much better along with my self confidence. I am getting more limber & I feel like dancing ALL THE TIME and I have lost almost 5 pounds!

    Good Luck YOU CAN DO IT!
    hit me up anytime if you need someone to chat with!
  • figueres3
    figueres3 Posts: 104 Member
    I think dancing is probably the best plan for you---it's at home--private, FREE :) thats a good thing always, and it's aerobic (you should see how fast your get your heart beat up just moving--the beat keeps you moving and accountable :)

    My sister over the past year lost around 45 lbs just dancing anytime she felt full --she would do it in her bathroom so no one would see :) Then all of a sudden she went from a 14 to a size 6 and looks very sexy... I never would have believed that dancing would have helped that much.

    The other thing is, you might not loose a whole lot from exercise right now---so focus on creating a new lifestyle of eating---throw out anything bad in your fridge/pantry and don't buy anything at the store that you know you shouldn't eat... avoid eating out too (big one for me!)... Once you've lost 50lb or so, you might feel like moving a whole lot more!

    Like I said before--- DANCE :) Good luck---- people have done it before---and on their own too!
  • wannabeeskinny
    i love all the ideas
    im sooo happy
    thank you alllll soo much
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    the water walking is a wonderful idea and trust me TRUST TRUST me that even regular walking will work. even a community center that has equiptment, the elliptical will help there is no resoistance(feet pounding to ground) and another TRUST me..when you drop wt the pain will disappear. I used to have intense pain in my neck from being obese(this counter here is from my recent feat to lose wt, I was over a 100 lbs heavier than i am now at one pt) so hang in there and work thru the pain honey it will be worth it
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I hate to admit it but Sweating to the Oldies is a great work out tape. They are low impact and there are people of all sizes on them. You could start out just doing it for about 5 minutes. then work up to 10 then up to 15.

    Really as long as you are doing something. You could even get a step and step on and off of it for a couple of minutes and work your way up from there.

    The more you lose and the more you move the less pain you will have, so it is worth suffering a little extra now to get a lot of relief later on.