bubble has been burst! :(

KaciWood19 Posts: 396 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
Ever call or talk to someone, so happy to tell them that overall since starting to diet 6 months ago (even tho I fell off track and started over and reset my goals on here...) I've lost 17 lbs total!! I was so so happy. Only to have my boyfriend give me a weak "I'm proud of you". I guess I just wanted to hear a little more "wow good job! Keep working!" I wanted him to be happy for me.... his tone of voice over the phone wasn't enthusiastic lol maybe I'm just being a baby.... 17 lbs is something to celebrate right?!


  • TakuraHunt
    TakuraHunt Posts: 208
    17 lbs is definately something to celebrate :) Don't let his response discourage you!!
  • ccwicks
    ccwicks Posts: 39
    AWESOME!!!! Way to go and those are some great, hard earned results! Beautiful!!! and keep going, and we're all looking forward to your continued success :)
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Of course it is! Don't let him take the wind out of your sails. People often have trouble visualising weight/mass.
  • TKL5
    TKL5 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm proud of you, if that helps :) It looks like we have similar weight loss goals. I can totally cheer for you! Good...no, GREAT job! Don't lose focus. You'll get there!
  • SunnyRolland1
    SunnyRolland1 Posts: 3 Member
    17 pounds is a HUGE accomplishment! For me that's about 2 sizes!!! Wow! Good job!!! Way to Go!!!
    Maybe time for a new boyfriend who is supportive???
  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    Absolutely! Great job!

    And men just don't understand sometimes. Sad but true.

    Feel good for your accomplishment! :flowerforyou:
  • coderchris
    coderchris Posts: 79 Member
    That is great accomplishment, be proud of yourself and keep up the work.
  • melibea
    melibea Posts: 228
    It's totally worth celebrating! Has he even seen you? I bet you look amazing with all that weight off!
  • Hedone
    Hedone Posts: 92
    of course it is, that is something to be proud of. Good work!!!!!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    No you are not being a baby but I think sometimes it is just not as "fantastic" to them as us! Quite often through this process I have had those same kind of responses from my husband! I have now lost 112 pounds and recently we have seen a lot of people that we have not in a while and I have gotten compliment after compliment and it wasn't until someone finally said, "wow, you should be so proud," that he seemed to sincerely compliment me.
  • emmavisman
    emmavisman Posts: 33 Member
    One thing I've made clear in my head and to my boyfriend, is that I'm doing this for ME and no-one else! Your boyfriend probably just doesnt understand that you've gone to so much effort to get to this point, but you shouldn't pay any attention. The only praise you should be getting is from yourself :3 only you can feel the difference it's made in your life!
    Not to say he doesnt understand completely and he's a jerk, I'm sure he's proud of you but some boys don't know how to show their true emotions like women can :) don't take it to heart! And DON'T let it kick you off track!
    You have done a great job! 17lbs is a massive achievement! I wish I was at that stage!
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I celebrate every pound I loose. (not literally, but I am pround of each pound). Don't let him bring you down. Your doing great! This is something you have to do for yourself :)
  • cecac
    cecac Posts: 1
    I am sorry that you didn't get the response you needed to feel better about it.

    But wow seventeen pounds is wonderfully exciting!!

    Bless you today,
  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    My husband always over estimates. ...if I say guess how much I have lost he will say 40 pounds which leaves me wondering
    how large I looked before since I have only list 24 pounds....Ugh! You are doing great!!! Keep up the good work!!
  • 17 pounds is amazing! Great job! I think everyone here is proud of you... if that helps. It's good having supportive people who actually understand because they're trying to lose weight too.
  • bhammp
    bhammp Posts: 1
    Yes - it is something to be proud of and congratulations !!!! :happy:

    But remember this weight loss has to be for you, and for no one else. If your success is predicated on those around you being overjoyed everytime you make a weight goal then you maybe losing weight for the wrong reasons. Be proud to lose this weight for you and realize that your lifestyle changes will be important to your family and loved ones 30-40 years from now when you are healthy and continue to be a viable, active member of your family!!

    You are the master of your ship - this accomplishment is all yours - YOU ROCK!!!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    It would be great if everyone was always on our wavelength, right when we wanted them to be. But they aren't. (And...if you've tried losing weight before, or, if you've been talking about weight loss for weeks/months...his enthusiasm may just have waned some).

    So, just be enthusiastic for yourself! And...drum up that enthusiasm from your partner in other ways. Buy a new sexy outfit for the next time he sees you. Telling him about a 17 pound loss may not translate...but he will notice the difference in how you look and your change in confidence (...just don't ask him...can you tell I've lost weight in this dress? That...would probably be a mistake...)
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 396 Member
    Thank you so much all for your kind words and support!!! You guys are right, I need to do this for myself. Not for him or my parents or my step son or even those cute summer clothes and a TWO PIECE BIKINI. lol. I often find myself falling off the wagon and while his response wasn't motivating, the weight loss for me is motivating!!!! I can do this!!! We all can!!!
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