
gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
Do you find that you have to make adjustments in your stride as you lose weight? I've been about 8-10 pounds heavier and about 10 pounds lighter recently and I think my running pattern is different at different weights. It's hard to explain exactly.


  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    For sure! Also have had to switch running shoes a few times
  • Fatphuck
    Fatphuck Posts: 18 Member
    I find it strange that as I lose weight I dont seem to gain efficeincy... I think Im running faster than I was when I was heavier but that seems to make me tired faster... Dont know if that makes sense but that what seems to be happening... Also when I 1st started running my thighs and quads would get sore... Now I find my calves and ankles are the sore areas.. What is goin on???

  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    As you become a better runner, your muscles and ligaments are naturally going to stretch out. That reason alone will cause you to change your running stride. On top of that, you will eventually become faster, so in order to go faster you need to do one of two things; increase stride or increase your turn over rate...or both? :)
  • aclark41
    aclark41 Posts: 21 Member
    i am a beginning runner and just finished a run/walk program that ends at a 5min run/1 min walk for 5 reps and a total of 30 mins...i feel like my stride has gotten so much worse and my pace has slowed as i have "progressed" because now my body knows how to conserve energy...i feel like i should go back to running on a keeps my pace true and i feel like the workout is harder than when i run outside and can slow my pace at will...but everything i read says run outside especially if your goal is a road race because you have to deal with uneven inclines and wind resistance...any thoughts?
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    i am a beginning runner and just finished a run/walk program that ends at a 5min run/1 min walk for 5 reps and a total of 30 mins...i feel like my stride has gotten so much worse and my pace has slowed as i have "progressed" because now my body knows how to conserve energy...i feel like i should go back to running on a keeps my pace true and i feel like the workout is harder than when i run outside and can slow my pace at will...but everything i read says run outside especially if your goal is a road race because you have to deal with uneven inclines and wind resistance...any thoughts?

    Personally, I find running outside to be a better/harder workout for the reasons you mentioned, and maybe just because it's hotter and there's no air conditioning :-). Maybe add some speed work (intervals, hills, fartleks) to your outdoor workout, or some longer runs, or mix up some running outside with some on the treadmill?
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I ran on the treadmill today for the first time in a while. I would much rather run outdoors. My stride opens up some and I like the openness of it all. If you want to road race...just run period. It doesn't matter where you train really. Yes wind in your face will slow you down, as will hills, but for the level that you're talking about, it's negligible.