Motivated to be 10+ pounds lighter

Hi! I'm Carol! I'm a 57 year old retired school teacher. I have been doing Jazzercise for 33 years and taking a Yoga class once a week for about 12 years. Now that I'm retired, I try to go to a Jazzercise class 5 days a week and usually meet my goal. I eat healthy, for the most part but crave something sweet daily. Bought a big bag of Candy Corn to fill a pumpkin shaped dish I put out for Fall decorating. I can't walk by it without grabbing a few pieces. I need to loose at least 10 pounds to get rid of the "Muffin Top" I'm getting and some of the ample bootie that is keeping me from comfortably wearing some of my favorite pants . I know that writing down what I eat is what has worked for me in the past. A friend told me about "MyFitnessPal" and now has an adorable figure! I'm ready to give it a try!


  • nrainb
    nrainb Posts: 37 Member
    The first step is the hardest but you did it, awesome! I'd suggest giving away your candy dish and that alone might get you down 10lbs. Now how do I get rid of 60? :/ one day at a time! Good luck to you!
  • lagoscarrie
    lagoscarrie Posts: 183 Member
    There is a board called, "Let's lose 10 pounds!" for those of us struggling with that. Join us! I'm four pounds from my goal and thinking I may lose a bit more... It's fun!