I realize I have no idea what I'm doing

i have tried it all& I have failed...I am surrounded by people who had "the surgery" & bam...100 pounds gone- I am so frustrated and need to go back to square 1....just not sure what square one is???


  • lhtbuzz123
    lhtbuzz123 Posts: 40 Member
    I agree with @newmeadow , log honestly & browse the guidance on this site. You may be shocked by the amount of calories you eat day to day.

    After my initial week of logging, I started by just making a swap or change a week to try and be more healthy, some of the swaps stayed, others needed tweeking to be maintainable, others I've never gone back to, but it's worked & I'm losing weight :)

    A few ideas to try, not all at once but try 1 a week:
    - Swap to low fat cheese & other healthy low fat alternatives.
    - White bread/pasta to wholemeal.
    - Reduce portion sizes.
    - Add some vegetables (I microwave frozen ones!) as a side or into any sauces.

    - Take your usual meal/junk amount & divide it into a couple of portions to put in fridge/freezer for lunch the next day, giving you a smaller portion today. (Basically you can easily still eat your normal food but just reduce your calories by spreading 1 meal over multiple days - Less cooking too!).

    - Add a basic side salad - Lettuce, cucumber slices & a bit of pepper with the nicest low fat dressing you can find or a bit of balsamic vinegar.

    Just a few ideas, but you just need to make sure that what you're doing is sustainable in your diet & just keep going! You can do this! :)
  • CrazyMermaid1
    CrazyMermaid1 Posts: 347 Member
    By taking the first step and making this post, you're on your way. There art lots of people on this site who lost 100 lbs or more by using this site. Check them out under the Success Stories tab.
    MSOLISSCHMIDT Posts: 15 Member
    Bam no it. Seems like that it's a lot of will power n mentally prepare which it doesn't like u are. Square one in surgery steps is broth protein shakes Jello water for one month THAT'S ALL N popsicle sf if u wanna chew something so please don't say bam cause it's not a magic it is a tool n depending on person how they wanna use it. Good luck on ur journey