
Hi all,
I am new to the site and am looking for some support. I am looking to make life style changes. It sounds lofty and I really want to make it real. Look forward to getting support and supporting others


  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
  • eklei123
    eklei123 Posts: 27
    Welcome welcome welcome!! You can do this! =D
  • Kelly1363
    Kelly1363 Posts: 25 Member
    welcome you have come to the right place
  • crazy4him4552
    You will love MFP. The support and tools are awesome!! I love how I can actually see the amount of calories I'm consuming. Like for cream. I never really paid attention the calories until I had to actually log it in. Wow, let's just say that I now try to only eat 1/2 cup. I used to eat about 2 whole cups at a time, if that little.
    It was a real eye opener to me. Being able to actually see the amount of calories I'm consuming, and how many I left without going over, has made a big differance in my health and weight loss.

    Best of luck to you!!