T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team: May 6, 2011 Thread



  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Totally understand, sis.....but because it's falling from the sky doesn't mean it's getting in your body...DRINK YOUR WATER! Stand in the rain AND drink your water. Inside/outside, there is NOTHING better for you.

    I had a good "first friday", busy as heck in all directions. Looking forward to my "second friday". Maybe I'll get something done!

    Happy Losing...*Ü*
  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Vicki - the skies are getting ready to open up again. Got any ideas how to log my water if I stand in the rain and open my mouth LOL...

    For real, I must be doing a few things right cause I've lost another 2 pounds (19 total since February). I'm sure its all the walking with the dog, and I am really doing good on what I eat. I had one of my 4-H'ers give me a thank you basket and I even gave away the chocolate treats - of course I kept all the great bath salts, relaxation CD, and lavendar scented eye pillow since that won't make me gain weight -- well I guess that does depend on how much wine I consume while soaking in the bath...

    I just received a bound copy of my sister's doctoral research. Just holding it in my hands, seeing the inscription and the dedication to her family made it burst with pride all over again. It certainly reminded me that we are all capable of achieving our goals -- including all of us on T.H.E. Team as well!

    Hope everyone has a most wonderful Memorial Day weekend - hope you see sunshine!

    Be good to yourself cause you certainly deserve it.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Weight in today gained 2lbs...not good it's the tom so possibly it'l be back down next week, hopefully.

    Had my 4th zumba class today. How do people manage to get their arms and legs moving at the same time? I get my feet going and it's fine then as soon as i have to move my arms my legs start going the wrong way. I saw the instructer give me a grin today like she was trying to stop herself laughing as my arms and legs are all over the place *lol* I was right at the front too as i really really have to concentrate on the feet and i can only see them from the front. I might have to take up irish dancing then i wont have that problem.
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    Sis, standing in water with mouth open...priceless. Count it as a PLUS. I so appreciate your pride in your sister! Make her proud in achieving your goal too! It is just as important as a doctorate. It is about your health...Dr. Sis! You can be our professor!...Ü

    I watched a sample of Zumba, Vicky, and I think it's a bit too wild for me! In the 80's we had something called "Jazzercise" and even then it was a tad too wild for me. I couldn't do Richard Simmonds either. Think I'll stick to my Wii Fit...Ü

    Free Day..eat whatever I want and enjoyed every bite. even indulged in a chocolate brownie!!!!!! Everyone, have a wonderful Memorial Weekend.

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Went to the doctor on Wednesday & have been diagnosed with Posterior Tibial Tendon Disease. I had never heard of this disease, so I looked it up.
    Posterior tibial tendon problems usually occur just underneath the prominence of the inner side of ankle, called the medial malleolus. The medial malleolus is the end of the shin bone, the tibia, and the posterior tibial tendon wraps just underneath the medial malleolus. This area of the tendon is prone to problems because of a lack of blood supply. This part of the tendon exists in a "watershed zone" where the blood supply is weakest. Therefore, when the tendon becomes injured, as a result of trauma or overuse, the body has difficulty delivering the proper nutrients for healing. Most commonly, patients with posterior tibial tendonitis complain of pain in the inside of the foot and ankle, and occasionally have problems associated with an unsteady gait. As posterior tibial tendonitis progresses, the arch of the foot can flatten, and the toes begin to point outwards. This is the result of the posterior tibial tendon not doing its job to support the arch of the foot. Also common in patients with posterior tibial tendonitis is an inability to stand on their toes on the affected side.The initial treatment of posterior tibial tendonitis if focused on resting the tendon to allow for healing. Unfortunately, even normal walking may not adequately allow for the tendon to rest sufficiently. In these cases, the ankle must be immobilized to allow for sufficient rest.* In more advanced stages of posterior tibial tendonitis, the arch of the foot has collapsed, and a simple tendon debridement may be insufficient to correct the problem. Reconstruction of the posterior tibial tendon is occasionally performed. In a reconstructive procedures, a neighboring tendon, called the flexor digitorum longus, is moved to replace the damaged posterior tibial tendon. This procedure is often combined with a bone reconstruction as well.
    I will be laid up for about 2 weks, then start PT & be mobile using a roller aid. It looks like a kid's scooter but allows me to prop my injured leg (ankle) on an elevated cushion and use my other leg for propulsion around the house or outside. It also folds down so we can put it in my car or husband's truck if we go anywhere.
    The x-ray also showed an extra bone in my foot that has shredded the tendon that wraps around my ankle. After all the x-rays & MRIs that have been done on my foot (since March) why was this xray the first one to show the extra bone???
    My other option is to wear a brace for the rest of my life or wait 20-25 years & maybe lose my entire foot.

    *This is where the doctor recommended a tennis shoes that does NOT fold in near the ankle bone - one that goes straight from heel to toe with a lot of cushion. That way, I can start walking "normal" again & using my eliptical until I have the surgery.
  • Carru1
    Carru1 Posts: 39 Member
    Dreamer- that sounds terrible. Will you have physical therapy to accompany the recovery? Can you meet with a nutritionist who can help you prepare for the down time? Did that person ever get back to you about sitting exercises?

    Vicky- I have a hard time getting my arms and legs doing two different things as well, but I miss Richard Simmons. Dancing to the Oldies was AWESOME!

    Ugh, I weighed in this morning and I am up two pounds. Not surprising, but still doesn't feel good either. But it's another new week, another new day, and another opportunity to assert my control over my body and my life. Happy Losing Everyone!!

  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Dreamer- that sounds terrible. Will you have physical therapy to accompany the recovery? Can you meet with a nutritionist who can help you prepare for the down time? Did that person ever get back to you about sitting exercises?

    Yes, I will be doing PT after the surgery, but not until after my two weeks of being flat on my back.
    I don't have the $$ for a nutriitionist but will be watching what I eat very closely. I already have a lot more weight to lose due to the inability that I have had to exercise since March.
    Yes, she did get back to me on sitting exercises but I really can't remember what she said because my mind has been filled with other things (graduation, surgery) since she contacted me.
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    Wow, Dreamer...that is quite the diagnosis. There has to be SOME relief knowing what is going on with you...even though it is probably VERY daunting. At least you have a course of action and some idea what to expect. Good nutrition will help in your recovery...keep up with your homework there. AND keep us up to day on your progress as well! We really DO care.

    Yeah, Sarah, I always thought it'd be a gas to be on a Chorus Line...but in reality I'd very likely hurt my line mate. So I stick to the solo routines...and pretend I'm in the "line". Richard Simmons drove me NUTS...but love him too. He has a good heart.

    My Holiday weekend was okay...food wise and lousy exercise wise (no surprise there). Did a little yard work (but our yard IS little, so I got it all done in no time) and took a walk to the clinic (one mile round trip) to let off some steam (DH was getting on my nerves). No picnics or BBQs, but did have a couple+ beers watching NASCAR with friends. Getting REAL close to finishing up my motor home remodel, at least until the next batch of fabric arrives...Ü

    Happy Losing....Vicki...Ü
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    My last weigh in was on the 23rd & the scale said 254. I stepped on the scale this morning & it said 250. So I recorded it under the check in area on here & am confused because it says that I have lost 4.5 pounds since my last weigh-in & that I have lost 2 pounds so far. If I have dropped 4.5 pounds since the 23rd, why have does it show only 2 pounds lost on my fitness pal scale?
  • Carru1
    Carru1 Posts: 39 Member
    I think the two pounds lost is in relation to the original weight you put in. So if you gained after to made your toolbar, but now have lost, then it will reflect only how much you are under that weight. Of course, it could be a malfunction of the program as well. Hope this helps.
  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Finally reached a 20 pound milestone after many months - yeah! It was great to see my ticker updated. I made new goals to keep me focused.

    Hope everyone's doing well.

    Dreamer - I hope you've gained some ideas for exercises to do while your laid up. Sounded like you had some good leads. You know every since I heard about your injury, I kept thinking about that movie from the 80's about the ice skater who got hurt doing a lift. Anyway, the foot injury became a time to build upper body strength. Perhaps you're strong in your upper body, but since most of us gals aren't, I'm guessing your upper body could benefit from this unfortunate situation. I love doing punches (which will work great seated), even adding light weights, because it's such a great cardio workout too. Anyway, best wishes for good news from the Dr. and a speedy recovery.
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    Just checking in. Short work week so I'm not getting too carried away with menus, but eating simply is nice...and delish!

    Getting late (no getting around it...it IS late). Good support for Dreamer, gals. I know she can get through this...

    Happy Losing....Vicki...*Ü*
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    SW:301 CW:275 Loss this week 2lbs

    Technically i had a 4lb loss but 2 of that was from last week where i gained so i'm counting that as 2lb. I almost didn't weigh in today as i felt bit bloated, my jeans were as tight as they were 20 odd lbs ago. I actually thought for a horryfying moment i must have put it all back on *lol*

    Vicki...Richard Simmons didn't make it over to this side of the pond although i've seen him on the odd american show he's been a guest on although a while ago. We had Rosemary Connelly.

    Dreamer..sorry to see your diagnosis, but glad for you that they have got one and some options for treatment. It must be a relief and a bit of a scary prospect at the same time.

    Utahsis...wtg on reaching your 20lb lost goal. Feels good to reach your goals doesn't it :)
  • Carru1
    Carru1 Posts: 39 Member
    SW 198
    CW 195.5

    That's one and half pounds from two weeks ago when I weighed in. Like Vicky technically it's bigger loss, but since I didn't log the gain I'm going to only count the one and half which still makes me feel fabulous!!! XD
    Happy Losing everyone!!
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Good Job Sarah, Vicky and Sis!!!!!!!

    I forgot to weigh in...again, although I was the same last week, and my slax are getting baggier by the week. I REALLY need to start logging in my menu AND get in some exercise. I think I'll make that my goal for next week. Might not be here to chat every night...two meetings after work...but I WILL log my foods....and maybe start the exercise program again the week after.....:wink:

    Night night, gals....hope you are ALL having a fun and healthy weekend......*Ü*
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hello Team!!

    Sorry I've once again been MIA for a bit. Have been very busy around here... not been behaving much in terms of eating and boy have I paid for it. Hubby took vacation last week and we spent a ton of time running errands, then rode about 450 miles in 3 days. I'm so sore! LOL It really was a wake up call that I really need to work on my bod.... not that I didn't know this before!

    We have been eating way too many meals out, so this week I changed that. Dug out the Biggest loser cookbook and hubby was like "ohhhhh yummmmy!! cant wait to see what yer gonna make me!" LOL He misses my cookin.

    I decided to change my ticker and reset my weight to move myself forward from where I am now. Aunt flo is visiting so its hard to say exactly what my true weight is, but as of today, with water weight and all... Im logging in at 232lbs. I could sit here and beat myself up, but Im not gonna. Time to get over it and move past it in the right direction!

    New thread coming on Thursday evening for Friday's Weigh in!
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    I love the idea of "Do Overs", Cyndi. Yup that eatin' out is sooo delish....but sooo bad on them jeans!

    I'm just hangin' in there myself. Not gaining, not losing and not really trying. NEED to exercise, just can't get up the gumption.

    See ya all on the new thread!!!!!.....*Ü*
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I didn't get chance to weigh in this morning as it was hectic round here. I weigh before i have breakfast and i had no chance this morning to do that. I wont tomorrow either, possibly sunday but then it would probably be easier to leave it till next friday. Just checking in anyway. Good luck for weigh in's ladies :)
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Hey all.... I have been so not motivated.. I logged today ... Things are crazy busy in my life right now and I have so much going on.. But I am trying to convince myself even though this is going to be a really busy week that I can at least eat right??? Right??? I am such a stress eater.. An emotional eater and just an eater of food.. you name it and i will use it to eat... I don't even know how much weight I have gained but I know I have... I will weigh tomorrow when I get up in the am ... Gonna use the wii to do it and follow that.. Lets see what happens...
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    Cleaned my closet and bureau over the weekend (among other "spaces") and thought I'd try on some of my "old" jeans I've been holding on to. Well, wadyaknow, found three pair that fit! :smile: Two went to St. Vinnie's (a little out of style). There are a couple more in the drawer that will fit in another 10 pounds EASY. I was quite happy...until I decided maybe I should jump on the scale...up three pounds from my lowest. So that does it...salads for lunch, healthy breakfast and QUIT eating dinner so late!!!!!! I don't know why I can't get dinner done before 8....(or sometimes 9) :mad:

    So Nita.....did you have fun with your Wii?

    Haven't seen much of She lia since her anniversary. Hope everything is going well.

    Hey Vicky (that's American for hi, though I prefer Howdy)

    Hope everyone had a good Flag Day. One of my favorite holidays...The Town is decorated with the Stars and Stripes, and I'm there to see those banners wave. Good windy day today, too! Sorry, I'm a died in the wool Patriot! :drinker:

    Happy Losing....Vicki...*Ü*