A Funny Source of Motivation

I was planning on living with my college friends this summer, but because I save at least 100 bucks a month by living at home, I decided to come back. I started wanting to work out about a month ago, because I have a wedding in July that I need to lose a couple pounds for to fit comfortably in my bridesmaid dress (the larger goal is continuing after that). It was much more difficult at my college house to get started because of all of the fun distractions around me all the time. I didn't expect it to be much different a my parents' house. Turns out that I forgot how crazy and stressful my family is. Now I'm running to the gym to get a membership so I can just get away! LOL! Two hours at the gym doesn't sound half bad at all now!


  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    I get that. I come home from work to find my roommate here with our friends drinking beers and I have to say no to the beers (although I do indulge sometimes) and then I'll go to my bf's place and he always eats late and eats out. Sometimes I'd rather stay at work or at the gym because then I don't have unhealthy temptations. It's good that you can see the problems and avoid them. Keep it up!
  • eklei123
    eklei123 Posts: 27
    Ughhhh my roommates at school are ALWAYS drinking. I'm pretty sure that's how I gained so much weight lol

    That and the drunken trips to WaWa to get a ciabatta melt.... :blushing:
  • aconwell
    aconwell Posts: 5
    I gained all my weight when I moved out as well. My roommate was always throwing parties and we were just about 21 so we were both drinking all the time. Also, we didn't cook much, so most of our food was processed or Ramen. lol. Now, I'm delaing with the consequences. I miss eating out. I'm having such a hard time changing the way I eat. I get so bored of eating normal food like sandwiches when I know taco bell or macayos is just around the corner. It's so hard to say no...how do you find the ability to say no and put up with the not-as-good food?
    Also, I work at Starbucks and am surrounded by the most amazing pastries and drinks all the time (which are also packed with sooooo many calories and fat, etc) and it has been sooooo difficult to say no. I have to constantly remind myself that I can't have any of it and keep drinking tea or water so that my belly isn't empty and growling or else I will totally rationalize a reason why I should allow myself to have the food.

    I know I need to lose weight because even my doctors are telling me that I'm overweight now, but I'm starting to feel so unmotivated. Dieting is so hard. Any tips on how to stay motivated?


    My stats:
    Height- 5'5"
    CW- 168 lbs, GW- 130 lbs
  • eklei123
    eklei123 Posts: 27
    Ughhhh I know what you mean. When I didn't want to eat the same stuff as my roommates, alot of times they'd guilt me or pressure me into eating it anyway. But I think now that I have the whole summer to reset my dials, it'll be easier to put my foot down when I get back.
    It's hard to break the cycle of eating out, since alot of times you're not just eating food- you're having a social experience. After associating eating out with fun and happiness for so long, eating at home seems dull. You have to break that association by making new associations with home-cooked food. For me, I felt less sluggish after cutting out fast food and dining out, so that helps me when I start getting a craving for it. As for the booze, I've had about three HORRIBLE hangovers in the past three weeks which have definitely diverted me from heavy drinking...
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    I gained all my weight when I moved out as well. My roommate was always throwing parties and we were just about 21 so we were both drinking all the time. Also, we didn't cook much, so most of our food was processed or Ramen. lol. Now, I'm delaing with the consequences. I miss eating out. I'm having such a hard time changing the way I eat. I get so bored of eating normal food like sandwiches when I know taco bell or macayos is just around the corner. It's so hard to say no...how do you find the ability to say no and put up with the not-as-good food?
    Also, I work at Starbucks and am surrounded by the most amazing pastries and drinks all the time (which are also packed with sooooo many calories and fat, etc) and it has been sooooo difficult to say no. I have to constantly remind myself that I can't have any of it and keep drinking tea or water so that my belly isn't empty and growling or else I will totally rationalize a reason why I should allow myself to have the food.

    I know I need to lose weight because even my doctors are telling me that I'm overweight now, but I'm starting to feel so unmotivated. Dieting is so hard. Any tips on how to stay motivated?


    My stats:
    Height- 5'5"
    CW- 168 lbs, GW- 130 lbs

    I think the thing to remember is that eating healthy doesn't have to be boring. You can make your own versions of Taco Bell and can monitor what you put in the food and how much to keep track of what you are eating. Tacos can actually be pretty healthy if you make them on your own and are super tasty! Take some time to go through healthy recipes online and I think you'd be surprised what is out there.

    The Starbucks thing would be hard, but that just shows you that you are growing when you are able to resist those temptations. I LOVE Starbucks and haven't been in weeks, although I drive by one daily and my sweet colleagues constantly offer. Find healthy alternatives, like a non-fat soy latte.

    And lastly, forget the word "diet". This is a lifestyle change, one that will stay with you forever. Remember that and things become easier.