seeking new friends and motivaters!

Hey I'm Vanessa! I've had mfp for a while, but I fell off for a bit /: looking for a support system and friends to encourage along the way in our weight loss (or gain for some) journey! Please add me in you're interested (: btw looking to lose between 30-55 lbs, so weather we share a similar goal or not I'm really just looking for new friends to share and interact with!!!


  • anitaghigi
    anitaghigi Posts: 13 Member
    Hello Vanessie4. I am also in search of support. I have been on mfp for 50 days today and have lost 9 lbs so far. I am 5 lbs away from my goal so the weight loss is slowing down now. My brother is my accountability partner but I was also looking for additional support in the online community. I figured that accountability could help me to stay on track for a life time and focus on good health. How is your journey going so far?
  • katheebowen
    katheebowen Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Vanessa. I'm Kathy. I've been doing Fitness Pal for a couple of years and have yo yo'd the same 15 pounds a dozen times. That doesn't sound like encouragement, does it? Well, it is. I had gained 25 pounds in the year before I signed in for the first time. I believe I would have gained another 25 if I hadn't started tracking. Watching my numbers every day bounces me back 5 or ten when I get to that weight that I promise myself I won't exceed. I haven't signed in for a couple of weeks and just weighed myself...up two. No wine or desserts in the foreseeable future. I need to lose 50. It's up to me, but it's good to read that I'm not the only one in the struggle. I wish you very good luck.
  • vanessie4
    vanessie4 Posts: 9 Member
    It really fluctuates, mostly because I get off track and let myself eat bad or not work out enough. I lost 15 lbs but gained back 5 this year.. but im looking at it positively that at least im down 10 from where I was. I need a little extra support or just people who put in effort and time in as friends so seing them on my feed will motivate me to keep going.
  • anitaghigi
    anitaghigi Posts: 13 Member
    My weight has fluctuated for years, usually any where from 5 to 15 lbs. It makes a difference because I am at the very top of my BMI category most often so gaining any weight puts me in the over weight category. My goal is to get back to a weight appropriate for my height and age, then continue eating healthy and working out to maintain. I thought that it might be a good idea to possibly change my goal once I am with in a healthy weight and see if a lower weight might actually be a realistic pursuit to give me room for fluctuations. My Registered Dietitian is going to help me with achieving those goals as well.
  • TwoGiraffes
    TwoGiraffes Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Vanessa.... well, this is my 13th day with MFP. I have about 40 kg (88 lbs) to lose (that's the first time I have said that to anyone). I really like that I can track and get all the calories, carb, sugar etc. counts so it can help me decide easily what to have for dinner. It is really an eye opener when you see how such sugar is in something like carrot or green peas. The tracker has really helped with portion control so I can stay within my set totals.Tomorrow is my weekly weigh-in. Last week I lost 2 kg (4.4 lbs)... I hope we can motivate each other to stay on track through our journeys.....GOOD LUVK
  • KelseyRae5
    KelseyRae5 Posts: 183 Member
    Hey Vanessa! I have had MFP for awhile but I have fallen off the accountability wagon. I need to lose somewhere between 30-50lbs. We share a similar goal for sure!!!! I will add you!!!
  • nicolenailah
    nicolenailah Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Vanessa,
    I have had Mfp for a while however I have fell off for a while too. My accountability and motivation have been nonexistent lately could sure use a boost too! Seem we have similar goals-will add!
  • clsquires91
    clsquires91 Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have a goal of 55lbs to lose and have lost 15 of it!
  • sergiogasc
    sergiogasc Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Vanessa! Doesn't look like you need to lose that much, having a look on your pictures. Anyway, my view is that sports matters a lot, 3-4 times a week, and then, a logical not super restricted diet, something good but that you can maintain over life... and that is all. I don't see it that much complicated now. In the past I didn't understand well this concept!
    well, you will also need a lot of patience, this is true!
  • orser24
    orser24 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi....I have been also bouncing up and down 15 lbs since last year and I have not been able to get back. I would like to lose at least 30...but 60 would be the goal. Little goals at a time or 60 feels impossible. I need motivation to lose weight but also just eat healthy for my sanity. What I eat really affects my mood. I'd like to start a challenge maybe.. .21 days or something. I don't want to weigh in every week or I'll get discouraged if the numbers aren't good and stop. Anyone interested?
  • JaymersL
    JaymersL Posts: 24 Member
    Anyone who needs some supports feel free to add me! It always helps to have the motivation! I'd like to lose ~15 more and then really tone up!