Anybody out there training for a 5k-42k?

Just curious what kind of apps and training regimens others are using. I'm on week 10 of my 10k training program and my endurance and distance are definitely increasing my speed seems to be pretty consistent. I'd love to hear from some more seasoned runners any advice will be most welcome. The best shape I was in I was able to run 14 miles in 2:15:10. That was back in '98... so it's been a while since I've really ran. Looking to increase speed and endurance.


  • amandaksbrewer
    amandaksbrewer Posts: 5 Member
    I'm on week 11 of my 10k program. I'm learning about pacing myself. This is the most I've ever run.
  • derek0311
    derek0311 Posts: 31 Member
    What are you using?
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I am in marathon training. I have a Garmin ForeRunner 220 that is synched to Garmin Connect and strava. I also manually log it here on mfp.

    The plan I am using is totally customized by me based upon experience and the reading I have done. I built up 60 miles/week with a single 20 mile Long Run and 2 other tempo related runs (with strides) twice a week. The rest of my miles are easy runs and recovery runs.
  • derek0311
    derek0311 Posts: 31 Member
    That's awesome my hats off to you keep up the good work
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    I'm racing a 25km mountain trail run (punishing hill climbing a feature) coming up in a two weekends; beyond that I'm aiming for a 50km ultra (urban/urban trails) on New Years Day and more mountain races, perhaps an ultra mountain race, next year.

    I also use a Garmin GPS running watch auto sync'd to Strava (like so many others do) for the social aspect and also because when I started running using just my Android phone for tracking I had started with Strava. It's fun to see all the data in one place, although for training the more recent data is more relevant of course.

    Assuming you have no health issues that running can't fix :) you'll beat your 1998 PB given some time base building and training. As an older runner now I find I am much more dedicated to training. Wish I had been more dedicated in my 20's and 30's!
  • derek0311
    derek0311 Posts: 31 Member
    Amen to that... I'll keep pushing