Bruising VERY easily?? Anyone else have this problem??



  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    Bruses can become a very serious issue and I wouldn't avoid a Dr's visit because it's just a bruise. Please go to a Dr. get some blood tests done and try to pin point the issue before it gets complicated or even worse.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    I'm with everyone else here. I bruise after brushing up against a wall sometimes, but that's how I've ALWAYS been. What worries is that you sound like you didn't before.

    It is most likely some kind of deficiency, something you're losing when you work out that's not being replaced. I get the impression that while vegetarianism is a pretty good health option, it's a fine line you're towing with vitamins.

    Why risk it? Go to the doctor. At least then you know whether it's something to worry about.
  • amanda_mh
    amanda_mh Posts: 16 Member
    I'd go get your iron tested. You could be anemic.
  • amanda_mh
    amanda_mh Posts: 16 Member
    I'd go get your iron tested. You could be anemic.

    Also (and this may be TMI for the guys), I'd especially go get blood work done if your period are excessively heavy/lots of clots. I was diagnosed with anemia for several years before they discovered that I had uterine fibroid tumors (benign) that were causing me to be so. I never really bruised easily, but I was always fatigued. It might be nothing, but it might also be something. Good luck.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I always bruised very easily, to the point the Drs suspected leukaemia when I was a child...I thought i had full bloods done back then but they missed a very important check, one that is rarely done. My clotting factors, all factors were checked not just the standard ones and I DO have a clotting disorder. Its not always about factor 8!! My factor 8 is lower than it should be but not low enough for alarm until you look at the other factors i'm low changes the big picture enormously!

    Request all factors be tested, many hospitals do not do full clotting factor tests so you may have to find a haematologist first and then request it. Due to my results I now have to carry a haemorrhagic states card giving contact and treatment details in the event of an accident or bleed. I also have to show my states card to dentists etc before treatment so they know there is an increased risk.

    I agree with this comment here. I was bruising so easily as well and finally went to see a doctor. They suspected leukemia as well, but eventually tested for clotting factors. It turns out that I have a clotting problem as well. I would definitely go see a doctor if the bruising is really bad. This is an important kind of thing to check out.

    What type of clotting problem exactly, if you don't mind me asking? I have such a problem....Factor IV Leiden...but i also have May Thurners....veins and arteries collapsed in my pelvic region. I've always bruised before I had my blood clot last year and maybe the clotting problem is why. Now I bruise because of blood thinners.

    von Willebrand factor deficiency. I thought I was doing better until really recently when I started doing more intense hiking and mountain/rock climbing. All the old problems are coming back unfortunately, severe bruising, prolonged bleeding, etc.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    At least they suspected Leukemia with you guys. With me, they called child services. Pulled 6 year old me into a room and asked if my parents hit me. Of course they did! It was the 70s and I got spankings all the time. Thankfully my older sister explained, and I got to keep both my parents!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I always bruised very easily, to the point the Drs suspected leukaemia when I was a child...I thought i had full bloods done back then but they missed a very important check, one that is rarely done. My clotting factors, all factors were checked not just the standard ones and I DO have a clotting disorder. Its not always about factor 8!! My factor 8 is lower than it should be but not low enough for alarm until you look at the other factors i'm low changes the big picture enormously!

    Request all factors be tested, many hospitals do not do full clotting factor tests so you may have to find a haematologist first and then request it. Due to my results I now have to carry a haemorrhagic states card giving contact and treatment details in the event of an accident or bleed. I also have to show my states card to dentists etc before treatment so they know there is an increased risk.

    I agree with this comment here. I was bruising so easily as well and finally went to see a doctor. They suspected leukemia as well, but eventually tested for clotting factors. It turns out that I have a clotting problem as well. I would definitely go see a doctor if the bruising is really bad. This is an important kind of thing to check out.

    What type of clotting problem exactly, if you don't mind me asking? I have such a problem....Factor IV Leiden...but i also have May Thurners....veins and arteries collapsed in my pelvic region. I've always bruised before I had my blood clot last year and maybe the clotting problem is why. Now I bruise because of blood thinners.

    von Willebrand factor deficiency. I thought I was doing better until really recently when I started doing more intense hiking and mountain/rock climbing. All the old problems are coming back unfortunately, severe bruising, prolonged bleeding, etc.

    I was tested for von willebrands but apparently its the uk they haven't named it but in the US its referred to a "haemophillia c" I'm low in factor 8 as stated but extremely low in factor XI. (as well as being slightly deficient in a few others)

    At least they suspected Leukemia with you guys. With me, they called child services. Pulled 6 year old me into a room and asked if my parents hit me. Of course they did! It was the 70s and I got spankings all the time. Thankfully my older sister explained, and I got to keep both my parents!

    I think it was suspected in my case but social services weren't as hot back then (in the UK) but there were a lot of visits and closed door chats going on, whether that was all to do with suspected leukaemia I have no idea.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    If it's a recent thing it's worth getting it checked out. I've been vegetarian for 10 years and I'm nearly twice your age and have never had this problem..
  • Diana061
    Diana061 Posts: 118 Member
    I always bruised very easily, to the point the Drs suspected leukaemia when I was a child...I thought i had full bloods done back then but they missed a very important check, one that is rarely done. My clotting factors, all factors were checked not just the standard ones and I DO have a clotting disorder. Its not always about factor 8!! My factor 8 is lower than it should be but not low enough for alarm until you look at the other factors i'm low changes the big picture enormously!

    Request all factors be tested, many hospitals do not do full clotting factor tests so you may have to find a haematologist first and then request it. Due to my results I now have to carry a haemorrhagic states card giving contact and treatment details in the event of an accident or bleed. I also have to show my states card to dentists etc before treatment so they know there is an increased risk.

    Very true.. clotting factors are not tests that are done routinely ..Factor 8.. factor 5 leiden are expensive tests...