help please, i am in pain. badly

ohdear1986 Posts: 110 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
ok well a few things first. i was born with "clicky hips" was double nappied etc. i have 3 children, whenever i have been pregnant i had severe hip and pelvis pain and my left hip would sometimes just lock up. once children delivered pain would go so would locking up apar from when i have (sex) i am ok, unless i lift my legs, sorry if tmi but several positions leave me locked afterwards but if i sway my hips i just unlock!
so yest i went to the gym, within 30 seconds on the stair climber, bang pain in groin area. continued my work out and felt ok (forgot about pain)
today walking is painful, if i strech it goes for 30 seconds then it hurts again! my bone by my groin is clicking when i walk and earlier when streching i heard a popping sound.
is kt my "licky hips" or is it an injury? i don't think it is an injury because as i said i lock up doing me and hubby time. sorry for tmi



  • cha36jennings
    cha36jennings Posts: 99 Member
    I have very similar problems to this (started after childbirth) and when I 1st started my exercise regime my hip/groin pain was not fun! I adapted my exercises to include a lot of walking, eliptical. After 1.5 months the hip issues decreased and so did the pain. I'm not sure if my muscles are becoming stronger so are able to support me better or it is just a fluke. But starting with low impact exercises definitely helped.
    Hope you find a solution!
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Go to the doctor to be sure.
  • AnnThereseRN
    AnnThereseRN Posts: 44 Member
    If you have access to a pool, swimming would be great exercise for some one with this type of problem. The water buoyancy takes a lot of pressure off of your joints. Hope it is not an injury and sorry you are having pain!
  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    Sounds like it is indeed the clicky hips but also you may have been using muscles that you havent workd out for some time so muscular ache is also making things seem worse.

    Its such a shame that you have to put up with this pain and discomfort. With regards to sex, maybe talk to your partner about different postions where you can enjoy each other without the worry about your hips locking.

    Hope you get it sorted x
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    It sounds to me like you have Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) which I had in pregnancy, and sounds like you did too. You should see a doctor.
  • I have the same condition. I had to undertake muscle-strengthening with my physio before starting any gym programme. The very very best for our condition is swimming. The water supports your weight as you use the resistance of the water to work the muscles and also loosen the hip joints that we've gotten used to not using properly to avoid pain.

    I've had lots of treatment/surgery for my condition over the years and I'm still not tip-top but my dr is the best in the world for our condition so if you have any further questions get in touch. Did you have a gym induction? I'm shocked the instructor didn't take your condition into consideration.
  • AshinAms
    AshinAms Posts: 283 Member
    I am clicky too, but it's SPD from all the babies. I get more clicky when I am about to get my period as the hormones soften up all the ligaments there. I haven't found much of anything to be any use unfortunately, even the physio.

    The stair climber sets me off, and that ski machine (like the elliptical but you have to use a skiing motion) as does anything where I have to have my legs open (sex!) and I know that during the week before I come on I need to avoid those things.

    I do hope it feels better soon!
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