
Started the Insanity workout last night, did the Fit Test. Looking to make some new friends who have done it or are in the process of. Also, anyone have some good results to share with me???


  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    Stopped doing it, mainly due to mass amounts of stress on my knees, ankles, and lower back. It is an intense cardio workout, but after doing it a few times, I'm not sure I can in good conscience recommend it to anyone.

    I encourage you to be careful. Focus on form first, speed later. Once you have got a good comfortable form, the speed (and endurance) will come later. The second you stress yourself out about not keeping pace with the insane group in the videos, your form will suffer and that's when injury can occur.
  • keri3
    keri3 Posts: 60 Member
    I've done it several times. I did the first month in August just to restart my fitness after my second baby which I had in May. I was doing a whole 30 and found it challenging to do the second month so I switched to Chalean Extreme for September but ready to go back and fully conquer Insanity!! I don't have any before after pics but last time I did it 2 rounds back to back, so four months and I went from a 12 to a 6. I felt the best I had ever felt and was physically in a good place. Did I look
    totally ripped with a crazy 6 lol. But I looked good.
  • lmr0528
    lmr0528 Posts: 427 Member
    I definitely plan on being careful. Just from doing the Fit Test I saw how much slower I was compared to them. Just gotta keep up a pace that works for me. A 12 to a 6?! You got great results!! Did you follow the eating plan too?
  • keri3
    keri3 Posts: 60 Member
    Yea, just go at your pace. You will get faster. Also, my friend repeated month one twice because she didn't feel ready for the second. No, I didn't follow the plan but I did eat reasonable and tracked calories. You can add me if you want support. I just finished pure cardio, felt inspired
  • PAtinCO
    PAtinCO Posts: 129 Member
    I've done the whole program twice through and, like Jeremy above, found it to be pretty brutal if you're doing it six days a week. I still throw in one or two Insanity workouts per week into my routine because I like them and the results. I just can't see doing it every day any more.
  • Evilbad
    Evilbad Posts: 5 Member
    Considering adding it to my routine, I've done it before and lost weight but it is intense and you need to worry about form more than speed, as others have stated. I found my endurance went up quite a bit when I did it.