How many calories should I burn?

SCrawley100 Posts: 11
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
So I am trying to figure out how to schedule in exercise time into my busy (extremely busy) schedule. I would like to know if anyone could tell me about how many calories I should try and burn at one time. I know the more the better but I want to set a goal as to how many calories I should try to reach. I am 5' 3.5" and I am currently 252.2 my GW is 145. I have been able to stay under my food calories each day so far. Any suggestions or ideas are welcome. Thanks for all the input! Feel free to add me if you haven't already.

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  • olson0827
    olson0827 Posts: 4 Member
    My trainer says to aim for 180-250 minutes of cardio a week. Whether it's 60 min at a time or 15 minutes here and there. :o)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I am very busy but try to get cardio in daily. I will walk the dog at a very brisk pace (4 mph) one mile in the morning, 1 mile at night, and pending time availability, I will squeeze in another 15 minute walk at lunch. You don't need to set aside a one hour chunk of time if you are too busy to get it done.
  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    its depends what you do., people with higher weight burn higher due to metabolism shock., so with about 30 mins of jogging you can easiy burn 300+ calories. Use this website to calculate with diffrent exercises:
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    You'll burn a different amount of calories than me and I'll burn a different amount than the next person doing the same amount of work... it depends on your body composition. I would invest in a heart rate monitor with a chest strap so you can accurately record how many calories you burn.

    I suggest 30 minutes per day (or like the above poster mentioned- break it down into different increments) as a minimum... plus strength training 3 times a week... but it all depends on what you are doing for that amount of time.... you can walk 2 mph and not break a sweat for 30 minutes or you can get that heart rate up and really work it out for 30 minutes... it varies.

    Do what you need to do to get results... if what you're doing doesn't bring results, then change it up... this whole process is trial and error!

    Have fun working it out!!!
  • Nessiep
    Nessiep Posts: 171 Member
    im 5f 4" and i try and burn at least 1200 cals to 1400 cals aweek ..1200 cals a day plus my excersise cals and i loose around 1-2 pds a week....good luck:smile:
  • I've been burning on average about 500 cals a day and it's been working for me...The real key is 5 to 6 small meals a day and keep your calorie intake to around 1500 a day. Stay active daily even if it's walking around the track 2 miles a day. It will come off you just have to be consistant. Good luck and I hope this helps.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I do anything between 25 - 40 mins work out (3-5 times a week) depending how much time i have, which burns roughly 200 cals depending what i am doing.

    It doesnt really matter what you do, or how much as long as its more than what you used to do. The main thing is to find things you enjoy that you can fit into your day! Good luck!
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    What's your goal? A decent sized weight loss will need regular toning to make the most of the new skinny you. Do you want to be really really fit or just not out of breath for a quick jog? You need to decide on what you want then work out how much and what type of exercise you need to fit your goal.

    I can get as good or better calorie burn out of weights than I can cardio, but I work hard and quick with my weights. I also like high impact cardio as it gives quicker results, however when I was at my starting weight it was a complete killer on my knees, calves and ankles. It has gotten easier as I've gotten lighter.

    If you only want to get moderately fit then there is nothing wrong with low impact exercise such as a long, regular walks at a decent pace (at least 3mph) and yoga for the toning/flexibility.
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