Any vegetarians that wanna be freinds? Any freinds in general needed!

Hi guys! So my name is Radhika! I'm vegetarian and have recently started lifting weights and finding the right diet in order to shed some of my last pounds and also to tighten the extra skin that I now have after 80iish pounds of weight loss. I would love to make new friends because I know everyone's body is different and sharing what works for me may help some one else and vice versa. Plus it's really nice to have support from other people that are trying to get fit. I'v been vegetarian my whole life and I'm trying to find the perfect way of eating for my body so I would love to make other vegetarian freinds. I'm also indian and I know lots of indian people out there are looking for diet foods that are indian. Plenty of the foods we eat are not familiar to other people so please any Indians out there, let's be buddies and share tips. Open to being friends with all sorts of people.


  • swathi88
    swathi88 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey Radhika! Wow 80 pounds is great!! How long did you take to lose all that weight if you don't mind me asking? I'm new to this, and would love some tips! Although I'm not always a vegetarian, I usually eat vegetarian food 4 days out of the week, and would love to know if you have some recipes that you can share of what you ate during the 80lb weightless! I added you:)
  • RadhikaMakadia
    RadhikaMakadia Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Swathi!

    I lost 60 ish pounds in 2012 and recently lost about 20 ish. The first 60 I lost after seeing a nutritionist and changing a lot of my diet. I added eggs which helped me increase my protein intake. As Indians, I realized we eat too much carbohydrates as well. So I decreased a lot starchy foods and increased my protein intake. It did wonders for me. Also, I started weightlifting regularly. This helped me maintain it for the last 3 years. I still struggle every now and then and I'm trying to find my way to healthy eating especially as an indian. I crave all indian foods and have a difficult time incorporating them to my diet. Plus, not many nutritionists that I'v known understand all the different foods we eat so I hope one day I can master it and help others. Other things that helped me was cutting out packaged foods and switching to eating mostly home made foods. It allows me to understand what is going in my body better. Also, I cut down on sugars completely. I get my sugars from fruits. No processed foods. No rice and no starches.
  • krishnahbv
    krishnahbv Posts: 12 Member
    Hello Radhika,

    Am new hear. I read your posts. Am looking for some guidance on DIET. Do help me out. LCHF diet that I guess you must be following.
  • marykate_1203
    marykate_1203 Posts: 164 Member
    Hello! I'm a vegetarian. I have been since March. Feel free to add me!
  • CarobChip108
    CarobChip108 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm veg too, i'll add you!
  • Hey I've starting eating vego not too long ago. I have 80lb to lose as of today. awesome job on the weight loss :) Feel free to add me for support
  • hbaer88
    hbaer88 Posts: 22 Member
    Vegetarian for 5yrs now. Feel free to add me! ;)