Lost 18 pounds in 3 weeks (82 to go) Need encouragement!

I had been working with a Bariatric clinic for a year to get all my insurance reqquirements in. I was supposed to have gastric bypass surgery in May. My Insurance denied it! I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and this made me angry enough to finally make the Lifestyle changes that needed to be made! I have been doing great staying under 1400 calories a day and doing atleast an hour of cardio a day but now I am entering dangerous territory.......the dreaded PMS! I want pizza and chocolate and sleep!!! This is tough.


  • DESIREE1210
    DESIREE1210 Posts: 177 Member
    I had also looked into WLS, I decided against it afetr finding out you need to exercise and watch what you eat afterwards anyhow. I decided why go thru the surgery if I have to do that, why don't I just do it myself.
    Well there's been ups, downs and a lot of staying the same, but you need to stick with it, eventually it will come off and you'll be so happy, and very happy you didnt go thru the surgery.
    You can do this!!!
  • nicolephoto
    I had been working with a Bariatric clinic for a year to get all my insurance reqquirements in. I was supposed to have gastric bypass surgery in May. My Insurance denied it! I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and this made me angry enough to finally make the Lifestyle changes that needed to be made! I have been doing great staying under 1400 calories a day and doing atleast an hour of cardio a day but now I am entering dangerous territory.......the dreaded PMS! I want pizza and chocolate and sleep!!! This is tough.

    Hard work but stay focused.

    How about making the cravings into healthy versions? Pitta bread pizza? Low fat cheese and tomato based sauce?
    Something sweet - Caramel snack a jacks

  • MarshaTyreeEdwards
    MarshaTyreeEdwards Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in that same spot as you, its VERY hard at this time of month....I hate it, hate it, keep strong it will pass and if you have to eat, count it and work out a little longer(thats what I do)....Oh Y could we have just not have been born Thin and Beautiful??? lol...God has all the answers it just stinks sometimes. Hope you feel better and keep on keeping on!
  • drl041799
    drl041799 Posts: 17 Member
    Is there anything you can do to satisfy your craving - a fat free chocolate pudding, an english muffin pizza? 18 lbs in 3 weeks is awesome! Stay Strong :happy:
  • AtomicDarling
    No no noooo!!!!! You're doing so well!!!! If you get a sweet tooth try some Skinny Cow chocolates or ice cream! They're delicious :)

    Also if you want pizza try a pepperoni pizza Lean Pocket. Not the best thing for you but nowhere near as bad as most pizzas would be.

    Just try to find lower calorie substitutes. :)

    As for the sleeping, I know it's hard to keep moving when you just don't want to so I try to make my workouts on those days especially fun and not necessarily like a workout. I like to go for bike rides in the park or play a dance game on my Playstation 3. Just keep moving without working out. :P

    Keep at it! You're doing so well!
  • KathieBurkeShort
    KathieBurkeShort Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! Congrats on losing 65!!!!
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    I have my friend in town as well. *smirks*
    I am dying for some chocolate, and anything else I can think of that is bad for me. However, I just keep thinking that the 5 minutes it's going to take me to eat that hersey bar, is definitely not worth the 2 hours I will have to put in at the gym later on. And like I read somewhere--nothing tastes as good as being trim and healthy feels.
  • NeshBeMe
    NeshBeMe Posts: 148 Member
    We all have these cravings and I don't even get PMS! But a treat here and there is ok, just remember moderation, calorie control, and if neccessary, work it off if u go over. Stay focused, ur doing awesome!!
  • dawnw30
    dawnw30 Posts: 270
    There are alot of low fat/low cal options out there....I just found Skinny Cow stuff...AWESOMENESS! I am PMSing and NEED chocolate!! I got the chocolate truffle ice cream yesterday and it was sooo good and satisfied my craving for chocolate! The best part - 100 cals! Did I mention it was AWESOME?? LOL! There are alot of things to look into. Yogurts, bars, fruits etc that can be low fat/cal but still satisfy your cravings. Hope you find something that works for you...:happy:
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    I also looked into WLS but decided against it after learning that you still had to watch what you ate and exercise! Why go throught that kind of pain and cost when I can do this myself!
    Have you looked into Skinny Cow products or the Vitalious muffin tops? They are so good and not bad when the PMS hits!
    I used them for the first 7 months of my weight loss and have lost 52 pounds! I've started low carbing now to change things up so I can't have them anymore. Now I have the Atkins Endulge Peanut butter cups or the Atkins Chocolate Coconut Bars, so good!
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    I know you are so keen to drop some weight, but 6lbs a week is a bit excessive. Try and chill a bit - 2lbs a week is a very good target, and you won't have to be so hard on yourself. Sometimes, a very tough regime is hard to sustain and some give up as a result.

    Very best wishes

  • KathieBurkeShort
    KathieBurkeShort Posts: 4 Member
    I am unsure of how to reply to each individual. This was my first post and I'm so excited to see so many people commenting! I appreciate all the words of encouragement and the great suggestions. I will stay strong!! This truly does make it easier. I need more friends on this (I only have 2) - anybody interested?
  • allgoody
    allgoody Posts: 2
    I got your back
  • jmikels67
    jmikels67 Posts: 116
    You're doing fantastic! I am new and don't know how to do the friend thing, but I'd be happy to be a friend! I have 100 lbs to lose, with my ultimate goal being a loss of 140. I am a chocolate-aholic and find the Jello Sugar Free Mousse Temptations to be quite satisfying - and only 60 calories! keep up the great job!
  • LisaMariaCallow
    Kathie, You look Amazing!! You're doing a great job, eating well & working out!! If you need a boost, I'm across the hall!! As far as PMS, I'm going through menopause (Grrr!!) but for cravings, CPK Margherita pizza has 150 calories/slice and for sweets, go for the sugar free puddings-they're 60-70 cals each!!:smile: