quickest way to loose weight for people who can't physically exercises?

Hi my name is Yasmin I used to be quite fit always road my bike always walking places things like that but I found out I had fibromyalgia nearly 2 years ago its quite difficult because it causes chronic pain all over the body you constantly hurt nd tired since I had it I can't exercises much and because of it I've out loads of weight on :/ whats the quickest way to loose weight with my condition?


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume. You can do this without exercising at all. Just enter your stats into MFP and you will get a calorie goal.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    ...whats the quickest way to loose weight with my condition?

    Eat less.

  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    I know Fibro can really suck (to put it mildly), and you should definitely consult your doctor about any planned physical activity, as strangers on the Internet can't possibly know your entire medical history.

    That being said, mild to moderate exercise can be very good for people with Fibro. It may not feel like it at the time, but just warming the body up can assist with pain relief. If you're physically able to, you might consider incorporating some sort of physical activity in your life at some point in the future (after talking about it with your doctor).

    But the other posters are correct - for the purposes of losing weight, eating less than your body naturally burns is the key.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Eat less. Most of my 30+ pounds of weight loss was done with no exercise component. I find it much easier to not eat calories than to try and burn them off. Why suffer hunger and exertion?
  • tryin2die2self
    tryin2die2self Posts: 207 Member
    "You gain muscle in the gym and lose weight in the kitchen."

    The largest gains you will ever make in losing weight will be done through diet. The largest gains you will ever make packing on muscle will be done in the gym (or illegal steroids).
  • wonko221
    wonko221 Posts: 292 Member
    For anyone, whether they suffer physical limitations or not, "90% if weight loss is in kitchen."

    The physical and time effort required to burn extra calories through intentional exercise is significantly higher than the physical and time effort to consume those same calories.

    How long does it take you to eat a cheeseburger? How long does it take you to burn those same calories while exercising?

    The trick is controlling your diet, such that you hit a caloric goal that is developed based around your actual needs.

    For me, that meant cutting out calorie-dense foods (generally candies, sweets, chips, sodas, juices, cheese, beef) and increasing choices that provide as much or more bulk with fewer calories - chicken. lots of chicken. cabbage. zucchini.

    I then learned that proteins and fats tend to be more filling on the long-term than carbs, and noticed that carbs tend to be more calorie dense (at least sweets and chips) - so i started specifically reducing sugars and cooking with bacon grease. I still enjoy potatoes, and the occasional chip. I am not carb-free - but my food choices are about maximizing flavor and hunger-satiation in calorically efficient ways.

    I now have a culinary routine that really pleases me, at significantly fewer calories than i used to eat. And i get by with major meal prep once or twice a week and eat almost all of my meals self-prepared, as opposed to eating almost all my meals at restaurants or fast food joints before i started losing weight.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I know Fibro can really suck (to put it mildly), and you should definitely consult your doctor about any planned physical activity, as strangers on the Internet can't possibly know your entire medical history.

    That being said, mild to moderate exercise can be very good for people with Fibro. It may not feel like it at the time, but just warming the body up can assist with pain relief. If you're physically able to, you might consider incorporating some sort of physical activity in your life at some point in the future (after talking about it with your doctor).

    But the other posters are correct - for the purposes of losing weight, eating less than your body naturally burns is the key.

    Hi Yasmin - I used to participate on a FM/CF/MCS board and many people with Fibro found mild exercise helpful, especially walking, swimming, and yoga.

    That said, to lose weight, focus on what you are eating. Have you started logging your food? Are you using a digital food scale?

  • VykkDraygoVPR
    VykkDraygoVPR Posts: 465 Member
    Hi my name is Yasmin I used to be quite fit always road my bike always walking places things like that but I found out I had fibromyalgia nearly 2 years ago its quite difficult because it causes chronic pain all over the body you constantly hurt nd tired since I had it I can't exercises much and because of it I've out loads of weight on :/ whats the quickest way to loose weight with my condition?

    My mom has fibro, so I understand the struggle.

    I'd say talk with your doctor, see a dietician. Figure out how any drugs you may be taking effect you, and start logging what you are currently eating (weigh solids on a food scale, and measure liquids). Get a handle on that, then start cutting back. I'd go with a relatively small deficit. Fibro is hard enough without dealing with hunger!

    That said, my mom does enjoy things like walking. She often can't because of severe migraines, but when that wasn't an issue, it helped her feel better even with fibro.
  • MollyJE19
    MollyJE19 Posts: 67 Member
    I've lost 9 lbs. in the last 6 weeks without exercising. It's good for you but isn't necessary to lose weight. Just eat fewer calories than you burn.

    I will add that I drastically changed the type of calories I was eating about 6 weeks ago. I limited my carbs to a little less than MFP was willing to give me and I started getting most of them from low-sugar fruits, vegetables, beans, and plain yogurt. Any grains I eat are whole and I usually eat very small portions, 1/2 cup or less. I don't know if that actually helped me lose weight or if it just keeps my blood sugar so steady I can better control myself between meals. Probably the latter.
  • LisaAnn642015
    LisaAnn642015 Posts: 91 Member
    Try reducing your carbohydrate intake, I've been seeing results in weightloss since doing this was just keeping my calories below 1300 according to my life on mfp but took advice from another mfp to lower carbs and finding in 3 weeks loss 8 lbs so try it could work for you too :)
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    There is a FM forum here on MFP that might interest you. Unfortunately there is no "quick" way To lose weight, especially for those WIth severe FM. Wishing you the best.
  • MollyJE19
    MollyJE19 Posts: 67 Member
    I had CFS for several years in my 20s. I eventually made an almost-full recovery, though I never got all of my energy back and I still get very achy if I am under bad stress for a prolonged time. One of the first things I did that made a difference in the CFS was to take Shiitake mushroom extract. I still use various types of mushroom extracts. They're helpful to some people in modulating immune system function.
  • DMS_WeightLoss
    DMS_WeightLoss Posts: 8 Member
    Depending on the amount of calories you consume, I would say use simple protein shakes to supplement one of your meals per day as well as attempting to add in freshly made green juice on a daily basis. Make sure you're getting your omega 3 fatty acids. Also, you can attempt a vegetarian/vegan diet. Its quite easy, but vegan diets can cost more than a regular diet. Pump up your consumption of vitamin Bs and Vitamin D as well.

    When I drink a protein shake, I feel no need to have anything else that has sugar in it for that day.
    I will typically put in a scoop or two of protein powder, 1-3 bananas, 2 scoops of peanut butter, 2-3 cups of almond milk and for taste sometimes sugar free instant pudding or just some baking cocoa (beware of the aspartame in the sugar free pudding though :neutral: )

    You can even using juicing as a way to supplement a meal in your diet if you are getting over a certain amount of calories. You don't want to go under 1200 calories, but depending on the juice you make, those can have a decent amount of calories themselves. It will help you with sodium intake/bloating.