Momma Gets Her Body Back!

llpruitt22 Posts: 6 Member
edited October 2015 in Motivation and Support
Hey everyone!!
I'm 26 years old and 15 weeks postpartum with my first, a precious baby boy named Jameson. I work full time as an engineer as well which makes it harder to find the time/motivation to workout but I'm now determined! I've lost a lot of my strength during the last months of pregnancy and have a little baby weight to lose. I'm 6'1" and currently weigh around 170 with my pre-pregnancy weight being close to 160. Looking for other mommas out their that are on the same fitness path regardless of weight/height/age! Would love to connect and motivate each other :-) plus, our diets have different requirements while breastfeeding but at the same time we want to lose our baby weight

Have a great night!


  • Raane_daze
    Raane_daze Posts: 3 Member
    I'm currently mom of 12 week old and 11 yo. I was 198 when I found out I was preggers and 207 at delivery (followed a diabetic diet during).

    After delivery I dropped weight quickly down to 185! I'm EBF and the scale is creeping back up to 193 (mostly due to boredom, fatigue and carbs)I don't wanna gain the weight back, so I will be testing my carb tolerance.

    I will be doing 1800-2000 calories per day with a goal to do only 60g of carbs daily to start. I will also be supplementing with 2 tbsp of MCT OIL daily in my lactation oatmeal or smoothie.

    For fitness I will be doing piyo or cize program, if not just walking.

    Just looking for some normalcy in weight loss whileb breastfeeding!
  • GETU1N
    GETU1N Posts: 1,811 Member
    You go momma!!!
  • llpruitt22
    llpruitt22 Posts: 6 Member
    @Raane_daze awesome! I understand the weight fluctuation and also that the one thing you crave while having to BF is carbs. I'm currently eating more normal foods and logging just to understand where I'm at with my macros current but typically eat around 1800 calories a day. I try to go for a 2 mild walk on my lunch breaks at work at least three times a week and I have equipment at my house to do resistance training and free weight workouts which I'm getting back in to
  • thermogem
    thermogem Posts: 8 Member
    Another mum here looking for more friends and support :)

    I have a 10 week old and have lost the pregnancy weight, but before falling pregnant I gained 10 kilos during the 2 years of trying to I'm wanting to go back to my pre TTC body.