Having Surgery

I am having surgery next week for an abdominal hernia, which unfortunately has kept me from doing a lot of the weigt training and yoga/pilates I would like to do. The Dr. says I will not be able to do any of those for up to 4 weeks!!! Does anyone have any alternatives so that I can at least keep working out? i'm dreading sitting around for a full month! It's hard enough to stay motivated now. Please help!!!!!!


  • dmflynt
    dmflynt Posts: 196
    I just had extensive hernia surgery 11 weeks ago and was JUST allowed go back to the gym last week! During the recovery, I wasn't allowed to lift ANYTHING, couldn't twist, crawl, stretch......basically was allowed to sit and to walk!! Hopefully yours isn't as major as mine was, and you can get back to your exercising in a month. Just follow doctors orders with your recovery......you will save yourself having to repeat the surgery. One month will go by quicker than you think.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    It's best that you don't do anything until the doctor says you're recovered fully.
  • ElliottH19
    ElliottH19 Posts: 7 Member
    I had ventral hernia surgery 10 months ago, and it was an in and out surgery procedure. I left the the hospital the same day. My surgeon suggested lifting absolutely nothing over 5 lbs. for 4-6 weeks. I went the full six weeks without any physical exercise because I wanted to fully heal with no re-tear of tissue internally. I felt beside myself considering I weight train 5 days a week and this completely wiped me out for almost two months. It was very hard mentally for me knowing I couldn't train, but I knew if I didn't let it completely heal it would come back ten fold and cost me serious time out instead of a few months. I would highly suggest just holding off on any activities after your surgery. What's two months? You have the rest of your life.:)
    You'll come back just as strong, believe me. Take the appropriate steps to recovery, and you'll be back and better in no time:)
  • tthoma5201
    tthoma5201 Posts: 63 Member
    I wouldn't do anything until the doctor releases you as far as physical activity goes. I would keep tracking calories very accurately during this time so that you gain minimal weight if any.