


  • KarenEnglish42
    KarenEnglish42 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm done with the Whole30 now and my thoughts are that it is a worthwhile exercise in trying to break habits and get into cleaner eating. Look at labels and see how much sugar is in things. I don't believe I have any food sensitivities or allergies, so eliminating gluten didn't change much! I've had some sugar- but more in the deliberate form of cake at a party rather than it sneaking into my other foods. I've brought back Greek yogurt, 8oz 1% milk a day, legumes. But have kept pasta, breads, soy off my daily menu for now (although I did have bread when at a restaurant recently.)

    I think I felt more full and more satisfied with fewer calories when on the plan then on one with more breads/carbs/gluten. Overall, I FELT better and slept better when on the Whole30 plan.