Traveling and eating well

Any advice? Going on a week long vacation soon. Since Oct. of 2014, have been serious...exercised faithfully and eaten well. I have lost 34 pounds. Going somewhere where there will be lots and lots of good food...Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)


  • thereshegoesagain
    thereshegoesagain Posts: 1,056 Member
    Take some healthy snacks with you so if you are tempted by some delicious morsels, you won't be starving and dive in face first. Drink lots of water. Fit some exercise in.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Enjoy but in smaller portions. Don't feel bad if you only eat part of your meal or dessert. Maybe there will be someone else who wants to eat less. Fill your plate with veggies but beware of the oil and/or butter they are probably cooked in.

    That being said, you've been at this long enough that you know the lower calorie choices. Seafood cooked in butter will be lower calories than beef cooked in butter. Drink lots of water, vacation exercise is awesome...long walks are great ways to see where you are visiting! Have a great vacation and get right back to it when you come back!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    You know your portions, so eat to that.
    If there is something delicious, splurge.
    If something is so-so leave some behind.
    If you are going to a foreign country, taste as much as you can. Calories be damned.

    Just went to India and Dubai this spring. I tasted as much as I could. Who cares about a few extra pounds when it is the opportunity of a life time.
    I put on 3 lb in 3 month.

    Have a great holiday,

    Cheers, h.
  • G33K_G1RL
    G33K_G1RL Posts: 283 Member
    On a week long vacation?

    Take a vacation! Do carry around some healthy snacks, they are usually more filling than chips and candy anyway. Enjoy the food!
    You know your portions, so eat to that.
    If there is something delicious, splurge.
    If something is so-so leave some behind.
    If you are going to a foreign country, taste as much as you can. Calories be damned.

    ^Great advice there!
    Move around and have fun! And drink plenty of water!
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    a cruise with family?
    you will be eating 3 meals a day with them
    only choice, to talk a lot during meals and chew every bite 20 times
    drink lots and lots of water before meals
    This is such a weird reply, lol. Anyway, I always let loose in terms of eating. But, I have been told... Most places have healthy options that can be eaten in small portions. Or you can wat before you all get together.
  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    I am typing this from a hotel in Dar es Salaam, far from home. I travel a lot for work, approximately one week a month I am staying in a hotel somewhere in some or other exotic locale, with loads of buffet meals, so I face this challenge a lot. I seldom lose on trips, but I am satisfied with maintaining and not gaining. I have got better at it.

    I log everything, but accept that doing so means that I am guessing, using quick calorie entries or trying to chose something comparable. My macros are going to make purists have a heart attack. I am going to be off in my guesses, but it is still worth my while to do the best I can, for review later.

    At breakfast buffets I stick to eggs and/or yogurt or something simple and try not to look at the rest (a good strategy is to chose a table which ensures you have your back to the buffet, there are studies to show that not looking at the delicious food directly during the course of your meal gives you a better chance of resisting it).

    I choose to just eat fruit for lunch so that I have more calories available for dinner. I am at the office at that time, so I this is easy for me - maybe not for everyone.

    I eat at the hotel restaurant for dinner, but try to make a sensible choice of something I still enjoy. If the portion is really enormous I ask that half be packed for me "so that I can eat it in my room later". No one ever minds when you phrase it that way. The hotels I stay at often have a small fridge and some even have a microwave. I save the extra food and eat it the next night in my room - budget room service!

    There is plenty of pressure to go out for drinks and cocktails, so I stick to Coke Zero and Vodka, which is light on calories, on those occasions.

    If all else fails, follow the advice others have given above and don't worry about it too much. Nothing too terrible can happen in one week and you can catch it up quickly enough when you get back - you don't need my strategies if it does not happen too often.

    Good Luck!
  • Sam101my
    Sam101my Posts: 128 Member
    Will be gone 1 week..Great advice...
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    My advice, is..... EAT. DRINK. BE MERRY. Its a holiday.