Cut calories or increase exercise?



  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    you aren't in a plateau if it has only been two weeks..
  • sammajumdar
    sammajumdar Posts: 3 Member
    No need to cut any more calories , eat clean food. Increase your cardio 10 to 15 min ...and stay positive... no bs , just keeping it simple

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    also as you reach your bodys ideal weight weight loss slows down.. if you want to go beyond what you body thinks its Ideal is,, you must change something

    eat less be more active.. something I dropped weight SUPER FAST at first now I am focused on Inches lost FAT LOSS not WEIGHT LOSS

    I was heading towards being overweight at the rate I was a few months ago, I was around 175 and I am 5"5. My initial goal was to lose overall weight because I had a lot of visceral fat. Now that I am slimming down and have reached 164, my goal is to get down to at least 159 and then focus on inches/fat loss. I want to get in a healthier weight range for my body type and my BMI for my age group because I dont want to develop diabetes like my grandma haha

    You are very smart!

  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Best to do both, but if only once choice, cut calories.