i am a widow who lives alone and has absolutely nobody for motivational support and friendship.

how do you keep weight off after menopause. it is driving me nuts. never had this issue before.


  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    Sorry I can't help you there, but your post looked lonely so I came on here to bump it up. It's a very valid question that I will need to think about sometime over the next 10 years!
  • berrypoo
    berrypoo Posts: 2 Member
    Soy milk
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I also a widow who lives alone. I have been alone for the past 16 years. I'm not quite at menopause yet but am in the early stages. I am also very very introverted and like to be alone so I have to work at it a bit when it comes to being social and active. I am also very prone to deep depressions an emotional eating.

    How do I do it? I get out of the house and do stuff. I take a martial arts class where I have met and made good friends who are supportive and encouraging. This gives me an outlet for stress and anxiety as well as providing good exercise.

    I have a horse that I spend time with at a bit boarding stable where there are other people my age who also ride. I have a membership to the local botanical garden, I go to the zoo, to museums and sometimes just out for a walk around the neighborhood. And I have a job that keeps me physically active and that I enjoy a great deal and find very rewarding.

    You can get out and join something or volunteer. Get involved in some hobby, or class where you can learn new things that interest you.

    You do it because the alternative is not acceptable anymore.

  • BewitchedBelinda99
    BewitchedBelinda99 Posts: 253 Member
    I also have quite a lonely life, due to financial problems my daughter stays with my mum a lot. But i'm starting a new job soon so hoping to get out a bit more. Haven't started the menopause yet, i'm 44 so I guess it could be soon. Just wanted to say hello and best of luck really xox
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Join an exercise group or gym or take an exercise class: biking, yoga, spinning, Zumba, swimming, weight training, running, hiking, aguaerobics, dance. . . . Find people who are on the same path. <3
  • Allisrock
    Allisrock Posts: 8 Member
    judannbyy wrote: »
    how do you keep weight off after menopause. it is driving me nuts. never had this issue before.

    In not sure how to keep the weight off I'm 40 and know how hard it is to drop the extra pounds... I've been eating smaller portions more water and no sugar until today I caved in.. Best of luck dropping the extra pounds :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    I'm 59, a childless, widowed, orphaned only child who lives alone (and has no pets ;) ). I'm also hypothyroid, menopausal (for almost 15 years, brought on by cancer chemotherapy), and retired. (No, I'm not making this up!)

    I've lost 44 pounds since April 2015: SW 183, CW 139, GW 125-130ish. I weigh & log foods meticulously, and adjust my eating to achieve the results I want. I've found the basic MFP approach to work very well, with no drama or cheating. In some ways, I find it easier to lose as someone who lives alone, because I have complete, uncomplicatedd control over my eating & activity.

    I've been quite active for a dozen years. I row on-water 3-4 times/week in season (use a rowing machjne in winter, though somewhat less), take spin class twice a week, ride my bike in good weather, and am re-starting weight training. (BTW, I started rowing at age 46, have a teammate who started at 70, and her boyfriend just learned to row at age 81. It's never too late to start a new activity, as long as you have the minimum basic capability).

    My rowing friends (met via rowing club/team) are supportive of my weight loss, as are folks at the YMCA where I take spin. Recently, one of the women in my mixed-media art group decided to join MFP & lose weight, in part based on my results.And folks here in MFP have been most helpful & supportive as well, either in the forums or those who've friended me here because we share some interest or characteristic.

    I'm introverted by nature, but have learned, especially since widowhood 17 years ago, that I have to step out of my comfort zone to accomplish my aims . . . and I've learned that I can do this.
  • RebeccaSutherland889
    judannbyy wrote: »
    how do you keep weight off after menopause. it is driving me nuts. never had this issue before.

  • RebeccaSutherland889

    I've just started the perimenopause and I've noticed a difference in my skin and hormones, hence comfort cravings etc. That's the reason I joined MyfitnessPal and there seems to be a lot of support and I think document your daily food, will help you to cut down.

    Good luck, be happy and healthy! Have a good day.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Your BMR is slowing at approximately the same rate as it has since your 20's.

    The bigger difference is that as we age we tend not to be as active. This slows your BMR.

    Whether you wish to maintain or lose enter your stats into MFP and eat the calories it allots you.

    You may find adding some purposeful activity, or structured exercise, to compensate for being not as naturally active as you were a few decades ago, helpful.

    From a health perspective, doing some form of cardio and weight baring exercise will enhance your cardiovascular performance, and help preserve your muscles and bones.

    Cheers, h.

    ( 62yo, lost weight during menopause and have maintained for 6 yr)
  • chesves
    chesves Posts: 224 Member
    I don't know how to get rid of the weight after menopause, but wanted to offer a friend request here ... you're not alone-- you have a village of support here all wanting the same goal = healthier lifestyle. <3