newbie from florida!

mommy2my3kids Posts: 5
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
hi ya everyone!

I'm Ashley, from Tampa, Florida. Momma to three joys. 5yrs, 2yrs and 4 months. Married to hubby for 6 1/2 years.

Looking to loss that baby weight as I'm sure all mothers do. ;)

BTW: I'm looking around for my momma on here. Lisainflorida where are you????


  • hi ya everyone!

    I'm Ashley, from Tampa, Florida. Momma to three joys. 5yrs, 2yrs and 4 months. Married to hubby for 6 1/2 years.

    Looking to loss that baby weight as I'm sure all mothers do. ;)

    BTW: I'm looking around for my momma on here. Lisainflorida where are you????
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    Welcome! I'm from Tampa too. I like the weather we are having, but it seems as if winter is passing us by.:ohwell: Good luck in your journey to a healthier lifestyle!
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    ya my husband was askin me the other day about Groundhog's Day to see if we're gonna get more winter...I said MORE winter? we didn't even get the first one!
  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    I'm from florida too (although I moved away several years ago) :cry: my inlaws live in Sarasota
  • hi ya everyone!

    I'm Ashley, from Tampa, Florida. Momma to three joys. 5yrs, 2yrs and 4 months. Married to hubby for 6 1/2 years.

    Looking to loss that baby weight as I'm sure all mothers do. ;)

    BTW: I'm looking around for my momma on here. Lisainflorida where are you????

    Jumps up and down waving - HERE I AM!!! I am her mama :heart:

    See all my adorable grandbabies down below - they belong to her!!!
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    So you guys are doing this together? That's great!
  • mimi9463
    mimi9463 Posts: 33 Member
    From one mother to another....welcome!!!!
  • So you guys are doing this together? That's great!

    Well, she has seen my ups and downs over the years - with most recently a successful loss of about 40 pounds.
    When she had her last child a few months ago, I told her about WW. But when I found this site this week, I told her FORGET THAT and come HERE!!!!!
  • there you are.

    never have I ever counted my calories.

    Today is the first day and let me just say OMG I didnt realize all the calories i was eatting because of all the fatty (nutty bars...mmmmm) I was eatting.

    Yeah, I'm nursing so I get more calories, but still WOW.

    This place is just to awesome....thanks mom!
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