I'm not losing, very aggitated



  • I know with PCOS, it's much more difficult. I had a nutritionist for a year and she clearly stated for us Carbs are what we should watch. I was extremely active and non stop and I was only allowed 160 a day. I don't know if you go over often or how you do with them but once I started watching my carb intake it slowly started going down!
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    You must exercise! There is no way around it. If your kids are the age to ride in a stroller push the stroller while you walk. Put them in a wagon while you walk. Hold their hand while you walk. Do jumping jacks during commercials. If you have cable TV with On Demand go to Exercise TV and pick out a video to exercise to. If not, go to excercisetv.com, they have hundreds of free exercise videos to use. Join your local Y. They provide day care while you exercise. If you don't have the money to join ask for a sponsored membership...it is practically free. There is just no excuse not to exercise. You owe it to your kids. Your actions are teaching them how to live. Model for them what it is to love themselves by eating healthy and exercise regularly. You can even get them involved and have them exercise with you. Your kids need to exercise too. Even if they are little you can get them to move around with you. If you want this bad enough you will make it work.

    Absolutely. I call the excuses to not eat right or not exercise, the "yeah buts." This is the perfect way to set aside the exercise yeah but!!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Well done bjohs - only 4lbs to go!!! I can't wait to get to that stage :-)

    Thanks! My message today is to never give up! I looked back through my journal last night and I was happy to have lost 10 lbs. I've lost a little over 20 more since then and that is because I stuck with it. NEVER GIVE UP! :)
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    A friend with PCOS (and on MET) is having a lot of luck cutting out sugar (other than fruit) and carbs (for the most part).

    I have a 1.5 year old and the only time I have time to exercise is at night, when she's in bed. I put her down at 8 and then I do P90 for half an hr/40 mins. You might be able to do a small fitness program @ home. BeachBody also has "10 minute trainer".
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Check out the link in my signature labeled BREAKING THROUGH A PLATEAU.... It is brilliantly written, and will shed some light on what is most likely an imbalance in your life...

  • bex879165
    bex879165 Posts: 121 Member
    Well done bjohs - only 4lbs to go!!! I can't wait to get to that stage :-)

    Thanks! My message today is to never give up! I looked back through my journal last night and I was happy to have lost 10 lbs. I've lost a little over 20 more since then and that is because I stuck with it. NEVER GIVE UP! :)

    I definitely won't be giving up this time!! Might have a few set backs along the way but i'll get there :-)
    Have a way to go yet but it'll be worth the wait!! I'll be extra impressed if I look anything like you at 40 something!! I wouldn't have put you more than 30 from the pic!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I definitely won't be giving up this time!! Might have a few set backs along the way but i'll get there :-)
    Have a way to go yet but it'll be worth the wait!! I'll be extra impressed if I look anything like you at 40 something!! I wouldn't have put you more than 30 from the pic!

    Glad to hear you won't give up!!! There will always be setbacks... or plateau's, but always push through them. I'll be 44 this year and once I lose 2 more pounds, I'll be the same weight as I was in 1989. 1989!!! Thank you for the compliment... I feel like I'm in my 20's again (health-wise, that is). :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    You should try to fit in some kind of exercise even if its for just 10 minutes here, and 10 minutes there. I think youd feel better. And remember sometimes you might not see the number on the scale. Your body might be toning, and the pounds may not be coming off.. Ive been there.. maybe up your calories just a little bit... and add some kind of exercise besides your normal everyday activities.
  • allyson19
    allyson19 Posts: 1
    I have been there. My problem was that although I was within my calories or (points via Werigt watchers) I found that I was eating to many carbs and not enough protein. How much of your calories are fruit, veggies and protein? Try to make those the buld of your intake over just grains. It may be worth looking at.....It helped me
  • nakie22
    nakie22 Posts: 13 Member
    Try cutting your carbs since you are on metformin and eating more fruit and veggies also pay attention to your protien intake
  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
    I don't care what ANYONE says - exercising with little kids around is HARD. You can call it a 'yeah but', or an excuse, or an obstacle ... I don't care WHAT YOU CALL IT - I just call it hard. It's really, really hard.

    So was childbirth. ;) Sometimes the reward is worth the effort.

    Put a 30 minute show on for your kids. It will not rot their brains or make them TV junkies. During the show, march in place, swing your arms and get that 'low burn' feeling. During commercials, run in place or do jumping jacks, so hard and so fast you feel just about to puke. It will be 30 minutes of interval training, and it will help raise your metabolism. You won't need a HRM, or an extra 20 minutes to set up a DVD with weights, or to change your clothes. And you can do it on a rainy day.

    Good luck!
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    hello fellow PCOS sister I too am stuck but exercise like a fiend....and am now going back to cutting carbs in a healthy but focused way.

    I too am on Metformin but maybe your body is too used to being where it is at and you will have to try somethig new to shake things up and keep the body guessing.

    I do know that having PCOS makes it very hard to lose weight.

    I would say if your BMI is in a decent place, don't sweat it too much because your goal # in terms of final weight may not be where your body's goal weight # wants to be.

    It's not an excuse to give up just a reason to refocus and try something new.

    Good luck in your journey and let us know what worked for you.
  • skyls
    skyls Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I did southbeach diet for a few weeks, and during phase 1 lost 10 lbs. The problem was as soon as I added fruit or any type of whole grain carb the lbs went up. I just don't feel that cutting healthy carbs (i.e, fruit&whole grains) should be the answer. Even though my sugar is double most of it comes from eating greek yogurt, and fruit. Anyway, I will try to watch that and exercise. I have been trying to lose weight since my daughter was born, she is 3.5, so it isn't like I am new to this. I tried doing p90x, and turbo fire, and lost nothing. The only thing that happened was the rest of my life fell apart, because I wasn't giving enough attention to the other things, including a special needs child.

    On weight watchers my approx intake was around 1200 also if you calculate in the extra 5 pts a day they allowed at the time. Now they do it differently, you get more points but fruit is free, and some things are higher points now. I actually did WW for about 3 months and same result, just $$ and no weight loss.

    I guess I may have to go to a dr. because this is very frustrating.
  • bex879165
    bex879165 Posts: 121 Member
    Just a suggestion but I ended up going to the docs as, no matter what I did, the weight kept piling on! I've ended up having numerous blood tests and it turns out I have an under active thyroid. I now have to take tablets everyday, forever but it seems to have helped and my thyroid is now at a normal level.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Thanks for the advice. I did southbeach diet for a few weeks, and during phase 1 lost 10 lbs. The problem was as soon as I added fruit or any type of whole grain carb the lbs went up. I just don't feel that cutting healthy carbs (i.e, fruit&whole grains) should be the answer. Even though my sugar is double most of it comes from eating greek yogurt, and fruit. Anyway, I will try to watch that and exercise. I have been trying to lose weight since my daughter was born, she is 3.5, so it isn't like I am new to this. I tried doing p90x, and turbo fire, and lost nothing. The only thing that happened was the rest of my life fell apart, because I wasn't giving enough attention to the other things, including a special needs child.

    On weight watchers my approx intake was around 1200 also if you calculate in the extra 5 pts a day they allowed at the time. Now they do it differently, you get more points but fruit is free, and some things are higher points now. I actually did WW for about 3 months and same result, just $$ and no weight loss.

    I guess I may have to go to a dr. because this is very frustrating.

    The thing with the beachbody product is you really need to follow the meal plans closely. My first round of p90x, when i first started to exercise, I love 16 lbs and 3% body fat on a basic low fat diet. The second round after I lost that inital weight, I didn't lose anything. No BF, weight or inches loss. So i tried Chalean Extreme but this time I followed the food guidelines; I lost 6 lbs, 6" in my waist/hips/abs (about two in each) and 3% bodyfat. During that second round when I didn't lose anything, I found out that I had way too many carbs in my low fat diet (I ate a lot of fruit), and I didn't get enough fats.

    Now with WW, my wife who has PCOS had the same issue as you. She didn't lose weight even though she ate her points because it too was too high in sugars. The thing about sugars is, if you get too many of them, they turn to fat because your body can't expend then quick enough. It's like filling up your gas tank, once you hit full, there is no where for the gas to go. Now, I still have to research PCOS more so I can calculate this stuff for my wife but what has worked for me and many people I know is do a custom setup, under the goal section and do the following:

    Carbs: 40%
    Protein: 40%
    Fats: 20%

    Sodium you want to keep around 1500-2500 mg as well. If you do this and even a program like chalean extreme (where it's only 40 minute workouts) you should still be able to lose. Also, to determine how many calories you should eat, calculate your BMR (address below). Basal Metabolic Rate is the amount of calories your body will use if you sleep for 24 hours. If you take your BMR + any exercise calories - 500 = Daily Calories to eat. This is essentially what this website will do, except it exclude workout calories until you add them in there.

    Last note. For workouts, it is very important to have both cardio and weight training. And woman, please please please lift heavy. Heavy lifting will produce muscle which burns more calories which means you can eat more! Also keep in mind, women do not have the testosterone levels like men so it is impossible to bulk up and on top of that, pound for pound, muscle takes up less space than fat.


    Anyone have questions on diet or exercise feel free to ask. Hope this helps.
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