Biking to work, wow.

I started biking to work about 4 weeks ago. I have biked every day but once because of a thunderstorm.

It is about 4 miles each direction, and is VERY hilly.

So far I have saved $120 on gas, and I burn nearly 500 extra calories a day.

If you have ever contemplated biking to work, DO IT. You wont regret it. Just take a book bag with you and pack your lunch into it!!

Even if you do not have a good bike, you can buy one for 500 dollars and it will pay for itself in a few months of saving gas.

Hopefully this will inspire other to start biking to work, especially with summer near.


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    You can buy a bike for much cheaper than that, but I agree with everything. I wish I could bike to work, but i have to drop off and pick up my wife every day.
  • damcool
    damcool Posts: 97 Member
    Very good! I stay at home with my kids, so I don't bike to work. :) But, my husband does and he loves it! It saves a lot in gas too!
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    I just started biking to work today. It will save me $86 a month for my train pass, but I had to get a gym membership downtown where I work, so it's kind of a wash. But since it takes me the same time to bike to work as it does to ride the train, it's worth it. I'm getting an extra two hours of exercise in everyday, instead of sitting on my butt! :-)
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    Great idea. I live 1 mile from work so gas really isn't a "problem". However, changing weather conditions and summer heat, IE-sweating, is. I work in an office so I don't wanna smell the place up as soon as I walk in the door. Maybe I will once Fall comes and things cool down a bit....I do take mid-morning walks on break and sometimes luch, though.
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    Great idea. I live 1 mile from work so gas really isn't a "problem". However, changing weather conditions and summer heat, IE-sweating, is. I work in an office so I don't wanna smell the place up as soon as I walk in the door. Maybe I will once Fall comes and things cool down a bit....I do take mid-morning walks on break and sometimes luch, though.

    I work in an office too, do you have showers? We have them here, special pass to get in, I use it daily.

    To OP: I like to bike to work whenever I can, i'm 3 miles away (so I ride 6 miles a day) and since I started two weeks ago, we saved a lot on gas (bf doesn't have to drive me anymore). I ride 3 times a week and the 2 other days I run/walk with a colleague, then off to the shower and we're good to go for the day. I have a stash of food in my office plus in the fridge, plus my clothes for the week, I bring the dirty clothes back on Fridays and bring back new ones on Mondays.
  • MattAxtell
    MattAxtell Posts: 73 Member
    I just started biking to work today. It will save me $86 a month for my train pass, but I had to get a gym membership downtown where I work, so it's kind of a wash. But since it takes me the same time to bike to work as it does to ride the train, it's worth it. I'm getting an extra two hours of exercise in everyday, instead of sitting on my butt! :-)

    so true.

    It takes me less time to get to work now that I bike lol.

    I did not have a parking pass (55 / month ..) so I had to park in the free parking and walk or take the bus 3/4 a mile, so It takes me 16 minutes to get to work now, as opposed to 30 minutes driving.

    The extra exercise is awesome too, I love going for a ride on my lunch break for 5-10 or so miles too (when I have time :-/ ). But I do get a little sweaty lol. Just spray more cologne that day
  • MattAxtell
    MattAxtell Posts: 73 Member
    Great idea. I live 1 mile from work so gas really isn't a "problem". However, changing weather conditions and summer heat, IE-sweating, is. I work in an office so I don't wanna smell the place up as soon as I walk in the door. Maybe I will once Fall comes and things cool down a bit....I do take mid-morning walks on break and sometimes luch, though.

    I work in an office too, do you have showers? We have them here, special pass to get in, I use it daily.

    To OP: I like to bike to work whenever I can, i'm 3 miles away (so I ride 6 miles a day) and since I started two weeks ago, we saved a lot on gas (bf doesn't have to drive me anymore). I ride 3 times a week and the 2 other days I run/walk with a colleague, then off to the shower and we're good to go for the day. I have a stash of food in my office plus in the fridge, plus my clothes for the week, I bring the dirty clothes back on Fridays and bring back new ones on Mondays.

    That is awesome. If my work had shower I would love to run a few days a week, but they dont. I get pretty sweaty biking, but I usually try to fan off before I come into work so I can cool down ha ha
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    Yeah my previous job did have a shower along with a weight room. I used those pre-work, regularly. If this job had at least a shower I would be game to riding every day regardless of the temp & weather conditions. Oh well...
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    if i could shower at work I would bike, but i cant stand the idea of working 10 hours after i have been sweating on my bike ride.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I have biked to work 1 day this spring/summer. I loved every minute of it. However, with end of school and t-ball season my schedule hasn't allowed to commute via bicycle again.

    My work place does not have a shower. However, I get there early enough to cool down, and essentially take a shower in the sink in one of the bathrooms. Just bring the same stuff you use in the shower at home except use a spray bottle. I take my lunch, professional clothes, and shower stuff to work the day before.

    Yes, I highly recomend this even if you don't have a shower.
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    Yeah, the shower issue is why I joined a gym that was downtown near my work. Otherwise there would be no way I could ride my bike 10 miles to work, work 9 hours, and then ride 10 miles home without a shower!
  • chelle4282
    chelle4282 Posts: 58 Member
    I can't wait for my summer job to start so I can start biking to work. It's about a 6 mile ride one way so that should be a lot of extra calories burned!

    I also feel so much more awake when I get to work if I bike there. It's exercise that serves a purpose other than just calorie burning, which makes me much more likely to do it.