Weight loss and training after baby. Very frustrating!

Hi all. I have my baby 8 weeks ago and was lucky enough to be back at my pre-pregnancy weight after 9 days. I attributed to breastfeeding! I gain 20 pounds of my pregnancy. About 2 weeks ago my husband and I started training for a half marathon and we have been running 3-4 times a week. I have not changed my diet in any way and when I got on the scale this morning, I show that I was up 5 pounds! I really want to believe that it is from my muscles but I'm very discouraged. Is anyone else in the same boat? Does anybody have any advice?


  • sioark55
    sioark55 Posts: 52 Member
    How do your clothes feel? If they fit the same, give yourself a break :-) maybe it really is just muscle...
  • lynnette2003
    lynnette2003 Posts: 18 Member
    Clothes feel about the same. Maybe a little more snug on my thighes.
  • NatsFan317
    NatsFan317 Posts: 1 Member
    It may have something to do with breastfeeding. Your body needs extra calories to BF and maybe it's holding onto the weight for some reason. There is so much science behind BFing (but I don't know any of it!) :)
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Ok, you're 8 weeks PP, and training for a marathon. Hormones in the "4th trimester" + breastfeeding + training= a lot of weight variation. Cut yourself some slack....make sure you are eating enough<you said you haven't changed the what you eat....if your activity increases and you're nursing, increase you caloric intake!>, drinking enough water, and just enjoy your baby and your body as you recover from giving birth and get back into the swing of running!

    Another thing? The scale is just a number. One small piece of a bigger picture, it does not define you unless you let it. It can't discourage you unless you let it!

    You look amazing, how do you feel?
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    conniedj wrote: »
    Ok, you're 8 weeks PP, and training for a marathon. Hormones in the "4th trimester" + breastfeeding + training= a lot of weight variation. Cut yourself some slack....make sure you are eating enough<you said you haven't changed the what you eat....if your activity increases and you're nursing, increase you caloric intake!>, drinking enough water, and just enjoy your baby and your body as you recover from giving birth and get back into the swing of running!

    Another thing? The scale is just a number. One small piece of a bigger picture, it does not define you unless you let it. It can't discourage you unless you let it!

    You look amazing, how do you feel?

    Pbi - You look FAB in your profile pic!
  • lynnette2003
    lynnette2003 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks all. I am breastfeeding. I guess I really haven't increase my caloric intake because I just can't seem to eat that much! It's so hard to keep up with my calories! I do feel good and I also just put my scale away. I will just go by how my clothes fit I guess.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member

    Pbi - You look FAB in your profile pic!

    Girl, you know I got this body in part from doing strong curves!! : )

    @Lynette, If you are eating <healthful, nutritious>, and your milk supply isn't suffering....you're probably just fine! You're coming up on the 12 week transition<end of the "4th trimester">....when hormone, milk supply changes and baby growth spurts kick in.....so just make sure you are getting enough rest, enough to drink, eat enough and take recovery/rest days. Stay tuned in to your body, and you will be just fine!!! *love the you put your scale away*!!!!