5 ft 7 looking to lose 30lbs, need motivation and support!

I have done this once before but a lot of the friends I found when I did these have fell off or have just stopped with the support. I just trimmed back my friends list and I am looking to find a few more like minded people to join me on this journey.

I am 5 ft 7
I weigh 185.6 ( 30lbs lost since March but I just reset my ticker bc I fell off for 2 months)
I just turned the big 35 *sighs*
I have a 6 year old son
I live in Central Florida
I am from Southern California
I love tattoos
I love my FitBit

Looking for people with similar goals/stats
People who show support
People who log daily


  • shay7227
    shay7227 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey there,

    I'm in the same boat as you. Looking to lose 30-40lbs but I'm 5'3
  • BlendaBrenda
    BlendaBrenda Posts: 75 Member
    I want to lose 25-30 too.
    And I'm in SoCal!
    I'm 5'3 though.
    I log. My diary is open.
  • esnider211
    esnider211 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm close - I'm 185 and 5'8. I really want to lose 50, but i'd settle for 35.
  • Bbeliever215
    Bbeliever215 Posts: 234 Member
    Wow, we are so similar! I have about 30 lbs to loose as well and I am also a tattoo 35 years old momma of 2...lol

    Height 5'7
    Cw 187
    Gw 155-160

    Please feel free to add me!

  • NikkiBiggestFan
    NikkiBiggestFan Posts: 25 Member
    31, 5'7, wanting yo lose 50lbs. Feel free to add me.
  • amandamc813
    amandamc813 Posts: 13 Member
    Me too!! I'm 178lb looking to loose 30lb I'm 5ft 7 and could do with the support already lost 5lb Iv only been on MFP for 2 weeks! Feel free to add me
  • ArtsyActive1401
    ArtsyActive1401 Posts: 752 Member
    I'd be happy to add you. I've been losing weight since March, too. I log everyday and try to be a positive MFP friend. Mom/wife in her early 40's