Calorie in/Calorie out +Calorie deficit

mfchilambi Posts: 34 Member
edited October 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I need an understanding the following;
1.CICO....does this mean l have to burn more calories than l eat....lf so wat is the percentage(am on 1390 daily calorie goal)
2.What is the recommended calorie deficit in percentage terms I.e. for 1390 calorie

Will appreciate your comments


  • Aani15
    Aani15 Posts: 172 Member
    1390 calories?
    What is your setting for activities (sedentary, lightly active etc.) and how much is your weekly weight loss goal?
    1390 calories/day seems a bit low.
    Calorie deficit means staying under your MFP calories goal.
    I would like some other knowledgeable MFP members to contribute to this thread.
    There are some super geniuses over here.
  • mfchilambi
    mfchilambi Posts: 34 Member
    Am on sedentary and to lose 0.5 per week
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    So 1390 is your recommended intake AFTER your 500 calorie deficit.
  • TheopolisAmbroiseIII
    My Fitness Pal builds in the appropriate deficit when you tell it how much you wish to lose. So if you want to lose 0.5lbs a week, just eat how many calories it states and that's about what you'll lose.

    Of course, everyone is a little different, weighing your food to get an accurate intake is important, and your definition of sedentary might be different than what MFP assumes, so you may lose less or you may lose more.

    If you are not losing at the desire rate, you can adjust your MFP calorie goal to meet your needs, but don't adjust it too often. It will take a few weeks to find out if you are losing at the appropriate rate, and not every week will be the same.

  • mfchilambi
    mfchilambi Posts: 34 Member
    Yi5hedr3....are you saying that to all daily calorie intake...there is a provision of 500 l have to eat all the 1390 calories o:)
  • jdleanna
    jdleanna Posts: 141 Member
    mfchilambi wrote: »
    Yi5hedr3....are you saying that to all daily calorie intake...there is a provision of 500 l have to eat all the 1390 calories o:)

    If you told MFP in your goals section that you wanted to lose weight, then the 1390 calories it gives you is what you should eat to lose weight. That number includes a calorie deficit. Eat 1390 (weighing your food so that you know for sure how much you're eating) and you'll lose weight. Aim for 1390 every day.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    You eat 1390, PLUS you will be earning more through exercise. Your deficit is already built in.