
Hi am new and aiming to lose 70lbs but have trouble with binge eating. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated xx


  • nxamaya
    nxamaya Posts: 16 Member
    I have the same issue as you Ruth, I'll try adding a lot of friends and keep them posted, I don't know might work, hopefully. Anything to avoid those 4000-5000 cal days.... I know how it feels
  • zkhanman
    zkhanman Posts: 132 Member
    I'm a newbie too but I've been through the weightloss process once before. The easiest way for me to avoid binge eating was to do the following:

    Plan out meals (really just dinner for me) 2 to 3 days ahead of time. This way I don't order a large pizza and eat the whole thing.

    Never grocery shop when hungry.

    If invited out to a dinner date / bar, research the menu ahead of time to find the healthiest option, so I don't order a bacon cheese burger and a pitcher of beer.
  • fatdaduk
    fatdaduk Posts: 50 Member
    I have been a serious binge eater too but my need for self-respect is outweighing my need for food at the moment. I know there will be times I will weaken but I realise I have to keep those times to an absolute minimum and so far it is working.

    One thing I have done is recognise my patterns and triggers. I have changed my route home from work to avoid the shops where I used to go for my chocolate and snacks. My new route takes me past zero shops and removes the temptation, I also leave home with no money or very little money so snacking is beyond me anyway.

    BTW a 5000 calorie day is/was nothing to me - I could shift 10,000+ calories on a bad day and do you know what? I don't think I actually tasted any of it.

    It was a waste of my time, money and my health (it has taken me 47 years to wake up fully so I guess you could add - much of my life to the list of things I was wasting).


  • fatdaduk
    fatdaduk Posts: 50 Member
    Sorry, I forgot to say, "Welcome aboard."
  • nxamaya
    nxamaya Posts: 16 Member
    fatdaduk wrote: »
    I have been a serious binge eater too but my need for self-respect is outweighing my need for food at the moment. I know there will be times I will weaken but I realise I have to keep those times to an absolute minimum and so far it is working.

    One thing I have done is recognise my patterns and triggers. I have changed my route home from work to avoid the shops where I used to go for my chocolate and snacks. My new route takes me past zero shops and removes the temptation, I also leave home with no money or very little money so snacking is beyond me anyway.

    BTW a 5000 calorie day is/was nothing to me - I could shift 10,000+ calories on a bad day and do you know what? I don't think I actually tasted any of it.

    It was a waste of my time, money and my health (it has taken me 47 years to wake up fully so I guess you could add - much of my life to the list of things I was wasting).


    We are on the same boat then, I tend to go out with no money as well, that's a good one, hope we can all make it, binge eating sucks big time....
  • ruthkane188
    ruthkane188 Posts: 3 Member
    We can all support each other. X
  • ruthkane188
    ruthkane188 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank u x
  • blondey37tm
    blondey37tm Posts: 2 Member
    Hi ruth and welcome i have only recently begun my journey also but i am finding that planning my meals and not buying too many quickie meals when i do my shopping helps as if i have frozen meals etc at home it becomes way to easy to settle on those instead of cooking a proper meal for myself and my kids. Whenever you are having a tough day there are plenty of us on mfp to support you