Grocery Shopping

Just went grocery shopping for the first time since starting this diet and exercise new way of life. I spent 3 HOURS in the grocery store looking at the backs of packages! Good grief! Finally after 3 hours and $300 later I get home and seperate all the snacks into appropriate portion sizes. How awesome am I? (Now I just have to convince the kids that eating healthier with mom is a good idea!) Any suggestions?


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Good for you! I started reading labels years ago and after you get into the groove of knowing what brands to buy, it gets easier and quicker!
  • cpumeu
    cpumeu Posts: 89
    just eat...I don't know what it is about kids but if we love it they love it...they will follow suit not to mention if you have healthy things they will eat healthy things. I cook alot from Hungry girls cook books and the kids LOVE the food in her cook book. Check it out if you haven't already!
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    That is fantastic hon!!!
    You know, I've been open and honest about things with my kids - I tell them that Daddy can't eat the way he used to if he wants to live for a long time and play with them on the playground, etc... We talk about calories and what is good - they still get dessert and what not because they are so active, but even they eat what I eat now for the most part - I just don't HAVE bad snacks in the house anymore lol

    I think kids LOVE the fact that Mom (or any parent) is getting healthy to be with them and love them better...
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    This will make it easier for you You sign up and tell them what you want in your foods and what you don't want and they show you the foods that match your profile. You can also compare nutritional value of foods right from your computer prior to going shopping. Good luck!

    As far as the kids go...I wouldn't tell them they are eating something healthy. Just cook it and eat it. You're not a short order cook. Cook one meal for you and your family for ALL to enjoy. When I want my babe to try something "healthy" I don't tell him because then he won't eat it. I just cook it and he almost always loves it. Then I tell him..."Guess what...That yummy filling meal you just ate was only 500 calores and 7 grams of fat!" LOL...Then he starts grumbling. LOL
  • ShannonBurdick
    That is fantastic hon!!!
    You know, I've been open and honest about things with my kids - I tell them that Daddy can't eat the way he used to if he wants to live for a long time and play with them on the playground, etc... We talk about calories and what is good - they still get dessert and what not because they are so active, but even they eat what I eat now for the most part - I just don't HAVE bad snacks in the house anymore lol

    I think kids LOVE the fact that Mom (or any parent) is getting healthy to be with them and love them better...

    My kids think its rolling on floor funny watching me do Jillians 30day shred! Then my son proceeds to show me the 'right way' to do it! lol
  • ShannonBurdick
    This will make it easier for you You sign up and tell them what you want in your foods and what you don't want and they show you the foods that match your profile. You can also compare nutritional value of foods right from your computer prior to going shopping. Good luck!

    As far as the kids go...I wouldn't tell them they are eating something healthy. Just cook it and eat it. You're not a short order cook. Cook one meal for you and your family for ALL to enjoy. When I want my babe to try something "healthy" I don't tell him because then he won't eat it. I just cook it and he almost always loves it. Then I tell him..."Guess what...That yummy filling meal you just ate was only 500 calores and 7 grams of fat!" LOL...Then he starts grumbling. LOL

    Thank you for the idea to go to! I will check it out asap! :)
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Don't say anything. Just put them out and let them decide for themselves. The less of a big deal it is, the more likely they will take to it.

    Growing up we weren't allowed soda, only fruit juice, water or milk. We also never ate mac n cheese made from a box or boxed cake mixes. For snack they gave us fruit, cut up veg, apple butter on rice cakes and those honey & sesame seed candies. I didn't get taste for junk food until I went to school. I think part of what has made my return to clean eating easier is I already had a taste of what real food could be like.
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    That is fantastic hon!!!
    You know, I've been open and honest about things with my kids - I tell them that Daddy can't eat the way he used to if he wants to live for a long time and play with them on the playground, etc... We talk about calories and what is good - they still get dessert and what not because they are so active, but even they eat what I eat now for the most part - I just don't HAVE bad snacks in the house anymore lol

    I think kids LOVE the fact that Mom (or any parent) is getting healthy to be with them and love them better...

    That's perfect! Love that and a good dad! I wish my kids were young when I started, but I'm still setting an example for them. It might not be too late. They're 19 & 21. LOL
  • mom111997
    mom111997 Posts: 101 Member
    I have a 13 yr old girl - I know exactly what you mean! I have about 120 lbs to lose and, although she could lose a few to be her "ideal" weight (whatever that is!!), she's learning how to eat through watching me. She went to the gym with me tonight and walked on the treadmill beside me. Without realizing it, we're helping each other eat healthier, stay motivated, and stay accountable.

    Our first grocery trip was a nightmare. We have learned to make a weekly menu, make our grocery list based off the menu and then stick to the menu no matter what. That has really helped us!! It takes time and effort, but it really works!

    GOOD LUCK !!!
  • ShannonBurdick
    I have a 13 yr old girl - I know exactly what you mean! I have about 120 lbs to lose and, although she could lose a few to be her "ideal" weight (whatever that is!!), she's learning how to eat through watching me. She went to the gym with me tonight and walked on the treadmill beside me. Without realizing it, we're helping each other eat healthier, stay motivated, and stay accountable.

    Our first grocery trip was a nightmare. We have learned to make a weekly menu, make our grocery list based off the menu and then stick to the menu no matter what. That has really helped us!! It takes time and effort, but it really works!

    GOOD LUCK !!!

    Very nice that she goes to the gym with you! My 13 yr old wants to do nothing but sleep! lol