Argh, slow start

I have been healthy eating for about a month now and doing the 30 day shred for 9 days now and I have hardly lost an ounce. I know that I am swapping fat for muscle and that weighs more but I still thought I might have lost a little bit. I don't really feel as if I look much different either.
I am eating marginally under my calorie allowance every day so I'm stuggling to understand it. If I eat what I want and don't really exercise I still stay the same weight!




  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    Actually I remember hearing Jillian Michaels say that it's impossible to gain that much muscle in that little bit of time. I'll have to find where I found that info out but she said that it takes a much longer time to actually gain muscle and that people just use that as an excuse LOL! I was hoping that was my answer too but it wasn't :(
  • cpumeu
    cpumeu Posts: 89
    Question/ are you eating your calories burned in exercise?
  • vickietm
    vickietm Posts: 7 Member
    Probably not every day to be honest, but over the week I think I am.
    I am wondering whether to count calories over a week rather than a day as I think this is more realistic and I won't feel guilty if I go over on the odd day