Putting your start weight in

Hi everyone,
I'm fairly new to the site but I'm finding it really helpful to keep track of how I'm doing and reading the forums does a lot to help keep me motivated.
I had a small heart attack back in June so after some very good quality health care from Papworth hospital I started a 12 week rehabilitation program with the cardiac team at the hospital.
After I'd completed the 12 weeks exercise they checked my health and pronounced me fit and heathy and suggested that I could usefully lose a bit of weight.
When I was admitted to hospital I weighed 200 lbs, so a fair bit heavier than I should be at 5'7" or 172cm for all you modern people.

The thing is I'd started exercising and eating better before I stumbled across this site so when I registered I weighed 191 lbs. That was back on the 15th Sept and now I weigh 187 lbs so I can see a nice drop on the weight progress chart.

Is there any way I can get that graph to start me at 200 lbs so I can get an even warmer feeling when I look at it? At present it shows I've lost 4 lbs when in actual fact I've lost 13 lbs.

Not the biggest issue in the World, I'll admit, but it would be nice if I could.


  • ciarababs
    ciarababs Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2015
    I would love to know this too!!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Under "Check-in", there's a little link under your measurements that says "Edit Previous Entries". You can change your starting weight there.
  • amb3rj0y
    amb3rj0y Posts: 47 Member
    Haha I was just wondering how to do this as well!
  • bobinpeterboro
    bobinpeterboro Posts: 20 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    Under "Check-in", there's a little link under your measurements that says "Edit Previous Entries". You can change your starting weight there.

    Thank you.........Ummmm.............Where's "Check In" please. :-)
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Under the Tab that says "My Home", it's the Third one across the top.
  • bobinpeterboro
    bobinpeterboro Posts: 20 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    Under the Tab that says "My Home", it's the Third one across the top.

    I don't think I've got that, maybe because I'm on the free site rather than the fully paid up one.
  • 615IrishFan
    615IrishFan Posts: 3 Member
    You have to go to the website. I couldn't find it through the app
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    Under the Tab that says "My Home", it's the Third one across the top.

    I don't think I've got that, maybe because I'm on the free site rather than the fully paid up one.
    I don't pay for it either. If you're using a desktop, it's right there at the top under My Home. I'm not sure how to do it through the app though.
  • bobinpeterboro
    bobinpeterboro Posts: 20 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    Under the Tab that says "My Home", it's the Third one across the top.

    I don't think I've got that, maybe because I'm on the free site rather than the fully paid up one.
    I don't pay for it either. If you're using a desktop, it's right there at the top under My Home. I'm not sure how to do it through the app though.

    Ahh, ok thanks, I'm on my iPad at the moment so I'll have a quick look at the website later. Thanks again for the help.
  • Triskele2
    Triskele2 Posts: 50 Member
    Yep you can only do it through the website. Best of luck to you!
  • bobinpeterboro
    bobinpeterboro Posts: 20 Member

    Thanks ladies, I done it, Yay.