I've lost my motivation.

Hello all,

I've sadly lost my motivation of dieting and exercising and I need to get in the swing of things again before it's too late. In the beginning of the year I had all the energy in the world and lost 20 lbs! I maintained the weight off till recently and gained it all back because of no exercise or dieting. I don't have positive people to motivate me and I need the help! How do you motivate yourself when life is down?


  • 6502programmer
    6502programmer Posts: 515 Member
    Use past successes to build future achievements! That's what keeps me on track.
  • shaedras
    shaedras Posts: 12 Member
    Your not alone!!! I'm starting again tomorrow!!! Add me if you would like!
  • Wytcher9
    Wytcher9 Posts: 40 Member
    Make friends on MFP to help develop your support system. You also have to recognize that you are going to be your own worst enemy in this fight. Stop focusing on losing weight and focus in eating healthy and moving your butt every few hours. You need to smack that inner voice that tells you to slow down losing weight or it's okay to take a second helping. If you listen closely, there is a tiny voice in the distance that is cheering you on. Now, let's do this! Stay strong!