Starting in the low 300s

So I weigh up in the 300s I'm trying to loose weight so I can just be healthy in general.
I recently had a son but that's not what added the pounds on.
I've been over weight all my life but I've learned to love my weight so much from being bullied I had to force myself to just accept my body.
I've accepted this body and loved it.
Now I'm just ready to love it even more.


  • Wii_Player
    Wii_Player Posts: 1,818 Member
    Hello and welcome. I am on week 16 and I started a little over 300 pounds also. I am now 270 pounds and I feel great. There are so many benefits to losing the excess weight and you will love each and everyone of them. I keep a list of every little positive things that I notice, as a reminder :)
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Fantastic, positive, ideal attitude :)
    Wishing you the best of luck.
  • healthyrachel1979
    healthyrachel1979 Posts: 414 Member
    I'm right at 300 and want to lose to be healthy and feel better so I know what ya mean!
  • Charles1964
    Charles1964 Posts: 33 Member
    I was 405 pounds back in December 2014.Started with my weight loss program when I went down to 394 pounds.I'm now 256 pounds.Still have a ways until I reach 190 pounds.I'm walking much better these days.Never thought I'd walk like this ever again.I'm glad I started this lifestyle change. :)
  • _flawedperfectly_
    _flawedperfectly_ Posts: 34 Member
    You have a great attitude about your body/weight which I believe is going to take you very far in the journey.
  • Losing150poundsbitches
    I am now at 286, I was 325 feel free to add me! I still have 120ish pounds to go.