Dairy? Wheat?

When cutting is it best to cut out dairy?(including plain Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and mozerella cheese)
Also, should you cut out wheat (wheat/whole wheat breads replacing with brown rice, oats, and sweet potato)?
And a side note, is ham fine?(ex:master carve ham Kirkland)


  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    Can you be more specific? Are you trying to cut calories? Have you been advised by a doctor to cut out dairy or wheat? If you are thinking of cutting these things in order to lose weight I think you are being overly restrictive. You can lose weight while still eating these things.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It depends on your preferences. However, if you are asking if there's something about dairy and wheat that means people in general should cut them, no, there is not.

    Personally, I ended up eating more dairy (mainly cottage cheese and plain greek yogurt) while losing, because I realized what great sources of protein they are and I also love them. I also still eat wheat (mostly whole grain), although I cut it somewhat because I don't care about it enough to spend the calories on it, most of the time--I prefer various other starchy foods (I rarely eat rice for the same reason, not because I think it's inherently less healthful than oats, etc.).

    As for ham, it's fine. Deli meats can be high sodium, so if you care about that, just keep an eye on total numbers.

    You don't need to give up foods to lose weight.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited October 2015
    alexxazt wrote: »
    When cutting is it best to cut out dairy?(including plain Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and mozerella cheese)
    Also, should you cut out wheat (wheat/whole wheat breads replacing with brown rice, oats, and sweet potato)?
    And a side note, is ham fine?(ex:master carve ham Kirkland)

    Cutting calories or the cutting weighlifters do?
  • hamlet1222
    hamlet1222 Posts: 459 Member
    Nope, I see no reason to cut these out unless you have some gluten or lactose intolerance - in which case why would you be eating them anyway?

    I know the Paleo and Atkins diet see wheat as the root of all evils, but we've been eating it for 1000s of years now, and civilizations have been built on it!

    Ham is great for protein, but watch out for too much salt.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Great. Now I'm hungry for a grilled ham and cheese sandwich.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Are you cutting calories or doing one of those bodybuilder deals?

    As far as calories go, it doesn't matter what you eat. Ham might be one of the most tasty things, but is not the healthiest thing on the planet. For your overall health, you might want to limit that. But as far as losing weight goes, you could eat nothing but ham and still lose.

    I eat a lot of cottage cheese and have lost a lot of weight. No-fat, low-cal, very tasty. :)

    Wheat won't stop you from losing weight if your calories are in line. Nothing will.

    The bodybuilders, though, have their own ways of doing things. If you mean "cutting" like they use the word, I don't know what the rules are...except PROTEIN. They adore their protein. That's all I know.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    My favorite sandwich (from a local place) has madrange ham, gruyere, jalapenos, avocado, and mango chutney on bread (made of wheat). So good. No problems losing while eating it on occasion.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    My favorite sandwich (from a local place) has madrange ham, gruyere, jalapenos, avocado, and mango chutney on bread (made of wheat). So good. No problems losing while eating it on occasion.


  • ANT98
    ANT98 Posts: 137 Member
    Well by cutting, I mean that I'm getting ready for a pageant and I have 12 weeks till then, and want to look fit (not another skinny girl) for the pageant. But I have like 15lbs to lose so was just wanting to know if I cut these out, will it help me achieve my goal in time for the swim suit portion?
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    From a bodybuilder, without being aggressively unhealthy in your methods, you will not achieve your goal. You did not prep well enough or leave enough time. Cuts generally start at 16 weeks out, and by then, it's not about losing 15 lbs, it's about losing the tiny remaining bit that you have to lose, most of which is water/sodium related.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Always cut out Milk, and Wheat. :)
  • ANT98
    ANT98 Posts: 137 Member
    From a bodybuilder, without being aggressively unhealthy in your methods, you will not achieve your goal. You did not prep well enough or leave enough time. Cuts generally start at 16 weeks out, and by then, it's not about losing 15 lbs, it's about losing the tiny remaining bit that you have to lose, most of which is water/sodium related.

    So any suggestions then?
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Put in the hard work, track your intake and macros, and do better next year.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Yi5hedr3 wrote: »
    Always cut out Milk, and Wheat. :)

    No. Unless you have a medical condition that requires it, this is nonsense.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Yi5hedr3 wrote: »
    Always cut out Milk, and Wheat. :)


    You are the winner of the give random advice without knowing any information award. It's a prized trophy, congrats.
  • entwife
    entwife Posts: 134 Member
    I think its a bad idea to severely cut calorie intake to rapidly lose weight. You're just setting yourself up for trouble later on. I also think its a bad idea to cut out two nutritious food types unless you have a good idea of how to replace those nutrients and calories.
    The only good reason to cut dairy and wheat is if you are intolerant or allergic, in which case you should be getting advice from a nutritionist or educating yourself in how to replace those foods.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    alexxazt wrote: »
    Well by cutting, I mean that I'm getting ready for a pageant and I have 12 weeks till then, and want to look fit (not another skinny girl) for the pageant. But I have like 15lbs to lose so was just wanting to know if I cut these out, will it help me achieve my goal in time for the swim suit portion?

    So 12 weeks?

    Hit the gym

    Follow a progressive lifting programme like stronglifts 5x5 or starting strength

    Intersperse with some cardio

    Cut 500 calories from your TDEE per day to achieve a 1lb a week weight loss on average

    The week before dehydrate ...look up bodybuilding dehydration pre competition

    Don't leave it so late next time

    Don't think there are magic foods to cut to achieve your perfect body it takes time

    Ignore Yi5 that's all he seems to post ...no reasons or rationale ...he just sees food boogie-men I think
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    edited October 2015
    Yi5hedr3 wrote: »
    Always cut out Milk, and Wheat. :)


    Not unless you've got a diagnosed medical condition that requires it.

    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Yi5hedr3 wrote: »
    Always cut out Milk, and Wheat. :)


    You are the winner of the give random advice without knowing any information award. It's a prized trophy, congrats.

    He or she has been saying something along those lines in a lot of threads. Not sure if trolling or serious.