Low Thyroid, Depression & Overweight

Nicole1375 Posts: 1
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself

My name is Nicole and I'm new to the site. I am a 35 year old female who is not happy with her weight for asthetic reasons as well as that I am concerned about my health. I am really hoping that by using this web site I will be more conscious of what I am eating and hold myself accountable for my diet and excercise. I would love to have as much support as possible, as I HATE to excercise but I'm getting to an age where I need to do it now or face health consequences later in life. I have struggled with LOW thyroidism since I was 14 years old and I struggle everyday to have the energy to just go to work and enjoy life. I also have been dealing with depression for the last 10+ years and take medication that doesn't help with my weight. If you are in the same situation that I am in or have been I would love to have your support and feedback. It's nice to know someone else is going through the same thing and can give you hope.

Thanks :)



  • beatlemom
    beatlemom Posts: 250 Member
    You can add me if you want. I have had hypothyroidism for several years now. I love this site! It has really helped me.
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    I have also had thyroid issues feel free to add me!
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism ...have had it for about 11 yrs. Finally back on meds after a year...its been about 4 months and im feeling great. Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    Add me too! Hypothyroidism, depression and overweight! CHECK, CHECK and CHECK! I need all of the support I can get as well! :)
  • I was found to be hyperthyroid about 5 years ago, and finally got the right level of meds after changing docs. It probably contributed to my weight gain, but fixing it doesn't make the weight come off - not fair! I don't have clinical depression, but I do struggle with a difficult life that sometimes makes it hard to feel motivated. I also deal with chronic pain from tendontis, plantar faciatis (foot/heel), and bad knees, so I also hate to exercise - it hurts! But, I have lost over 50 lbs in the past year, and it hurts less.

    What I have done is find things I enjoy, that also count as exercise. I garden vigorously. I walk to the store with a wagon to get groceries between bigger shopping trips. I do a lot around the house - renovation projects, landscaping, painting, etc. I hand laundry outdoors, wash dishes by hand, stand instead of sitting. That way, I am in motion most of the day, but i don't think of it as "exercise."

    I like this site because it really makes clear the link between food, motion, and metabolism. I can "earn" more food with exercise, if I am still hungry. If I don't feel like moving, than I can't eat more than my goal calorie level, if I want to keep losing weight. I can also see that if I eat, say, a candy bar, that I will have to do x-minutes of work to get rid of it - so I can ask myself how much I really need that snack. We all find our own little tricks that work for us - or don't - and that's the benefit of reading forums - you get new ideas.
  • MyFriendLinn
    MyFriendLinn Posts: 102 Member
    Me three or five or ten of us now. We are in this together, glad you are here, count me in as a good supportive weight loss friend, you are not alone!!!:flowerforyou:
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    Hi Nicole,
    I was on Lexapro for 4.5 years and gained 30 lbs. from it! I know this is very common with antidepressants. I've been off it for 2 years and also started running 2 years ago. Have lost 20 of the 30 and am trying hard to eat healthier and to do more strength training. You can add me as a friend!
    You will get a lot of support from the people at MFP!
  • suerun11
    suerun11 Posts: 136 Member
    I was so excited when I search for Thyroid on MFP when I found you guys! The Dr found a tumor on my Thyroid last week during an Ultrasound. I am staying positive. All the symptoms/issues you girls have I currently have, I need support too! Do you girls always feel hungry? I AM ALWAYS HUNGRY! I hate it!
  • I also just was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Feel free to add me. We can support each other!
  • lcurrier
    lcurrier Posts: 3
    Hi Nicole,
    I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer in 1995 and had my Thyroid gland removed. I could always eat what I wanted and not gain weight until the day I had my Thyroidectomy. I was 25. I gained about 30lbs in a month and have struggled with my weight ever since. I have done weight Watchers and Jenny Craig and had success with both but gained every pound back. Last summer I lost 35 lbs. on Jenny Craig but I gaine dit back. I just went to put on a pair of shorts I wore last Summer and couldn't even get them around my waist and ended up in tears so I am right there with you. The emotional side to the weight is a viscious circle and I totally empathize. I am new to this site and learning my way around as well but if you know how to add me as support I would be happy to share war stories with you! Maybe we can keep one another positive!
  • joeysrib
    joeysrib Posts: 158 Member
    I don't have thyroid problems, but I have been battling depression for over 25 years. I have been on prozac, wellbutrin, and effexor. Then I turned 40, and I decided that I had had enough. Now, I an 41, not on any antidepressants, and started this new journey.

    Maybe I need to be on meds, but for now, I feel pretty good, not great, but pretty good!

    I will say this though, I did enjoy the effexor, it REALLY increased my libido. My husband loved it to;-)

    Feel free to add me, you will find a lot of encouragement here!
  • lannahgirl
    lannahgirl Posts: 96 Member
    I have hypothroidism also, found out last month, I knew something was wrong, my lil sis has it, I hate that it's hard to loose this weight, I have a long journey ahead of me, feel free to add me!
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