How do you get motivated?

How do you get motivated to workout at home or go to the gym? I keep telling myself that I'm going to go after work and I never do. I've had a gym membership for almost two years and have used it twice. Ugh! I know I should do this on my own, but I also have been trying to find someone to go with me and make me go and haven't had any luck.


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Basically you have to want something bad enough to want to do something. Habitual behavior helps. Just go. Even if the workout only starts at 15 minutes. Eventually if you're seeing progress, you'll be more motivated to continue.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Sabrinarose8
    Sabrinarose8 Posts: 26 Member
    I almost never can do a workout after work. it just doesn't work for me unless I have a really fun class or great friend waiting for me. For now I get myself up early to the gym before work because if I wait I know I will get too tired or things are more likely to come up. I have been able to keep that schedule for months now.
  • livelaughloveandfit
    I think of my WHY! Why am I wanting to loose weight, why am I wanting to get healthy and fit. When I think of that it motivates me to get up and moving! So think of why you are doing this if you don't know already! Hope this helps feel free to friend me!
  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    I find it too hard to go after work (I'm tired, I have plans, the gym is full, I'm hungry) so I make myself go in the morning. I don't go every day (I do rehab) but try to go 3-4 times per week, 3 of which are before work. It does mean having to get up at 5.15 and be out the door in time for 5.30 at the gym, so that I have time to do my whole plan before I need to return home, but on the days that I plan on working out, I just get up and do it.

    It's incredibly difficult some days, and often I want to just go back to sleep. But I always tell myself that it'd just be one more hour of sleep - I can get that any time, and it's ok to be tired (everyone at my job is anyway!) but if I don't do my rehab now, then I won't do it at all today and that's not an option.

    It does help that I feel a lot better now, and that I know the rehab works in strengthening my back and shoulders = no pain. I know also that if I stop (for too long) that pain will return, and it will be horrible. That if anything keeps me motivated.

    But, I would suggest, if you are able to (opening hours etc), go in the morning. Even if you only get half of your planed for exercise done, it's better than nothing. And, there are plenty of mornings when I go "ok, I'll just do one set of each exercise" and then, before I know it, I'm on the third and last set and feeling fantastic.

    Also keeping some kind of diary or using your calendar (physical one, not on your phone unless that would work for you) with visible markers when you've done an exercise can be motivating. I use a regular calendar, and use blue coloured dots on the days that I do my rehab -- it's quite motivating, as I want to fill it with the blue dots. And I hate seeing a week with only one or two of them in. If you don't have a calendar, you could just use a piece of paper and do a quick "month" on it, and put stickers (like stars, which I use in my exercise journal) on the days you've gone to the gym. (And have a goal of how many times you're going to go per month!)

    Best of luck!
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Looking in the mirror while naked. I've made some good progress so that motivates me even more. Maybe you should look into going to the gym before work. I work out at 5 am because I know going after work just wouldn't work for me. I just want to chill after work.
  • sjmoss21
    sjmoss21 Posts: 1 Member
    My motivation fluctuates, but when I was doing GREAT, I had a goal and a deadline I was working for. My motivation flopped once I got to my goal. My family and I planned a trip to Branson, MO and my goal was to be able to ride a roller coaster again (as I've been too embarrassed ever since I got kicked off of the Screaming Eagle years ago at Six Flags St. Louis for not fitting!) I wanted to go to Silver Dollar City and I lost 65 lbs from Feb 2, 2015 to Jun 20, 2015 (roughly 4 months). I wanted to have a good time and be able to join my family. We are planning a trip to Disney World in 2017, but because my trip is so far off, I've lost some motivation....I guess I work better under pressure. I was seeing my doctor once a month as well so I was being held accountable. My advice is to set an attainable goal reward for yourself and a deadline. Hope this helps!
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    How do I get motivated? I want a better body, a better attitude, a better appearence, a better heart, and just an over all feeling better. I can either do the things that are necessary to attain the above or continue as I was. Which was not working toward these goals.
  • FitBelleVie
    FitBelleVie Posts: 125 Member
    You have to want it bad enough. For me, I had to stop making excuses for myself and had to stop lying to myself that I looked "fine" or "good enough". I didn't want fine or good enough. I wanted (and still want) to feel the best I can in my own skin. It's a work in progress for me always! But getting into the habit is the best thing. Even if you don't want to workout, do it anyway. Eventually it will become as natural as taking a shower; you have to do it! Anyone feel free to add me. I'm very active here on MFP since 2009. :)
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    It was a matter of life or death in my case to get moving. When I cut out the sugars and grains my pain dropped so much I could start moving. I now walk a quarter mile every day at a min and do it in a fraction of the time it took when I started a year ago.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Habit, and also finding a way to enjoy it. Try various equipment, classes etc, until you find something you enjoy, or at least don't mind. Maybe Zumba where you can build friendships in the class, maybe an outdoor running group....
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I think seeing results motivates me. I walk before work if I get up early enough. If not, I go home and walk no matter how tired I am. I am not brave enough to join a gym yet, but I get a pretty good work out with my walk at home videos. I am pretty sure at my size, I would not be able to do too much more anyway. I dont enjoy working out, but I enjoy the results of it. Good health is my motivator.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I just can't do a workout at the end of the day, too many other things get in the way. I also like to have drink at the end of the day so that is another demotivating factor. I took up running when I hurt my shoulder and couldn't lift weights and got hooked on it. Still have my gym key but get up at 4:30 AM to run now. Cardio seems to give me the fat burn I need.
  • calla2024
    calla2024 Posts: 1 Member
    For me its following a bunch of instagram fitness models (my fav is Alexandria Bring)- i see their results with hard work and i want the same
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Do you actually enjoy the gym if you go - if not, try and find some exercise that you do enjoy and will be more likely to do, eg a dance class. My gym does several classes and when I've struggled with motivation to go I've gone to classes as it makes me get to the gym for a certain time, and I have to keep working for the length of the class.
  • 07kate07
    07kate07 Posts: 38 Member
    I am the same way. I found that if I joined groups ( currently I do Zumba, Kickboxing and Jujitsu) where I can meet people, I find I can motivate myself and they help you with motivation when you need it.
  • Fragmoss
    Fragmoss Posts: 66 Member
    I see two separate but unison things. Losing the weight and getting fit. Losing weight doesn't mean I have to exercise (just consume less calories) Getting fit doesn't mean I have to eat less (just do strength & cardio training) However, I'm sure for a happier body I should do a bit of both. I'm not looking to be a super model, nor a biathlon contestant. I'm seeking "wellness" that wellness has different meanings and goals for each of us. At age 54+ I'm pretty happy with myself. I don't mind "squishy parts" I just want to look smooth in my clothes, err (new clothes size)
    That to me keeps me motivated....pretty simple, yet so am I.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    You have to motivate yourself. You have to take a good, honest look and find YOUR own reason for working out. It doesn't have to be 'to get healthy' either. It's ok if it's not, that wasn't mine! And Fragmoss is right, you don't HAVE to exercise to lose weight. It's good for other reasons, and if you can add some kind of exercise, it's good to do so, but as long as you control your calories in, you can lose weight without it.

    If you're going to exercise, try setting a schedule. Find a day and time to go, and make sure you do it. Download a workout app or bring an mp3 player with you to keep your mind occupied. Even if it's only walking on the treadmill for 20 minutes, it's SOMETHING, and you can build from that. It's ok to start slow and add more days and more exercises as you get into the habit. I kept burning out because I thought it was all or nothing, but when I tried starting slow and building, it helped.
  • TechAaronLoyd
    TechAaronLoyd Posts: 339 Member
    I just think about what I could look like, NO! What I will look like!