Anyone quit drinking soda?



  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    I have been cutting way back. I used to drink 7 2-liter bottles a week. Now I have one 2-liter bottle max a week. I am now drinking selzer waters. Lots of bubbles, no artificial sweetners.
  • I have quit pop, only have it on special occasions and flat when i have a tummy ache. I switched to crystal light naturally sweetened and it shows.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I stopped drinking diet soda awhile back and switched to coffee and sparkling water. I had the worst headache for DAYS. I still won't touch artificial sweetener. Once that passsed, though, I found the only part I really craved was the carbonation.
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    I used to drink pepsi or coke whenever my husband and I went out to eat (2-3 times a week) as well as pepsi or sprite at home. I've always loved drinking water though, so it wasn't too hard for me to give up soda cold turkey. I have absolutely no desire to drink it anymore. I feel so much lighter and healthier on a strictly water-drinking "lifestyle" if you will. I regularly get in about 10-15 glasses on a good day. I've never drank Diet soda and I never will. I don't care what anyone says, I just believe that my body is better off without all those artificial colorings and sweeteners. Plus I think it tastes disgusting :grumble: But like I said, I've made those choices because I wanted to. I understand that everybody makes their own decisions based on what their goals/struggles are so I don't judge anyone who drinks regular/diet soda on a frequent basis.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Thanks everyone! Just to clarify, I'm not expecting quitting soda to be some sort of miracle weight loss trick- in reality, I just knew it was providing NO nutritional value, and to be quite honest, I just needed to know I COULD do it. I quit smoking December 31st, and diet coke was my 2nd worst habit to kick, so I decided it was time. I guess I'm lucky, I only had the terrible headache for a day and a half or so! Also, i think even after only a week my taste buds are adjusting to the lower amount of sugar i'm consuming. I had a gatorade after the gym last night and had to dilute it with water because it was too sweet!

    The nutritionist told me that both sugar and artificial sweeteners INCREASE appetite. I find it really hard to stay in my calorie range if I drink DIET SODA and I don't think I've had a regular soda since I was 11 years old.

    After a couple of unsuccessful attempts at quitting diet soda I swapped it out for coffee and I've been a happier me since.

    It's not the idea of the caffeine that bothers me as much as all the chemicals that not only have no nutrition, but prevents the absorption of calcium and practically suck the phosphorous out of your bones, very damaging to bone health, but you might not notice for another 30 years or so. I've also heard that it's damaging to the lipids that protect your nerves.

    I might be able to push this out of my mind if it weren't for the fact that I get to see the constant pain my mother is in. She's been drinking diet soda since the days of TAB. Her osteoporosis is so bad that she hardly walk at all. She's has shattered vertibrae, broken both hips and both wrists. So you are thinking broken bones heal, well when your bones are in such bad shape that doesn't always happen. And the nerve damage on top of that doesn't make things any easier. Everything in her life is painful.
    I'm not that tough.

    So deep down it's the fact that I've an utter sissy that motivated me to change.
    And you could argue that we don't know for SURE that diet soda was the cause. But it seems so plain to me.

    Think about the consequences...
    If I'm wrong and I cut out diet soda it won't to me any harm.
    If I'm right I can save myself a whole lot of suffering.

    Sorry I get so preachy... I just want everyone to be healthy.

    Good Luck
  • Melaine
    Melaine Posts: 5
    I have given it up *multiple* times. Actually, before I started dieting, I had gone cold turkey for awhile. But diet dr. pepper is such a treat when counting calories. I try to keep it to one drink 2-3 times a week though rather than every waking moment.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    I was the biggest soda drinker ever. I would grab a bottle on the way into work,on lunch,on the way home and when i got home and im talking 1L bottles. I gave up 3 months ago just woke up one day and told myself i was kidding myself even if it was diet ones.
    Funny thing is after a few days i did not even miss them. It was all in my head. I say it has been the biggest factor shape wise. My stomach is become so much flatter. I got so many have you lost weight when i gave up the drinks. You can do this. :smile:
  • njmoran3
    njmoran3 Posts: 1
    I quit drinking all soda for about two weeks and have already seen the difference. I am less bloated and feel more energized, that may be because i also drink a lot more water. Although diet soda has 0 calories, the sodium makes me retain a lot of water. So you definitely made a good choice by leavingi t!!
  • butterfly1445
    butterfly1445 Posts: 81 Member
    I have almost completely quit, I used to get major headaches all the time, but now that I've cut soda out of my diet (I will have one occasionally, but I used to drink almost nothing but soda) the headaches are mostly gone, and when they do come they are less severe. I am less bloated feeling and more energetic. Every now and then I'll have one in the morning for an extra boost, but mostly I don't need the caffeine anymore. I drink enough green tea that I was spared the withdrawal from the soda.

    Best decision!
  • jenosaurus
    jenosaurus Posts: 9 Member
    I quit drinking soda, and i notice a definite loss of water weight. I started drinking it again, but had my last one over 2 weeks ago. I always find always that when I decide to have one again, it taste weird. I think it's an acquired taste, but I still remember how much I love it, so i drink it anyway, haha.

    And to those that say that theres no harm in diet soda, I would suggest doing some research about what you're actually putting into your body. Sugar substitutes are very harmful. Just check out the ingredients label, and then google each one. Heck, wikipedia. Not only do some prevent receptors in your brain from knowing when your full, similar to hfcs, but there have been studies that link diet soda with seizures.

    Unless you've found an all natural diet soda, which would be rad, I haven't found one yet.

    My best alternative to conventional soda was Whole Foods 365 sodas. They have like 3 ingredients in them, one of them being cane sugar, but I'll take cane sugar over that other crap anyday.

    My favorite is Izzi's. It's awesome.

    Way to go to everyone that can do it! I know for me, soda is a pain in the butt, lol!!
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I am really proud of you guys who have been able to kick the diet soda beast. I cannot (or will not) :embarassed: do it. I am so addicted to Diet Mountain Dew. I honestly don't think I could give it up. Congrats to you guys who were successful.:smokin:
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I stopped drinking Diet Dew a couple weeks ago, basically to see what would happen. I had a headache for 4 days, but beyond that I really do feel better drinking water (well, water w/ Crystal Light. most of the time!). I notice if I drink a soda now I feel bloated and full.

    That said, I'm not really convinced that drinking diet soda vs water negatively impacted my weight loss. I did drop a couple of pounds after making the switch, but that wasn't the only change I made, so the science isn't exact. ;)
  • I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but perhaps it would give you extra motivation to cut soda out of your diet.

    2 years ago I took a course in Material Science and did this experiment where we put lab-grown hydroxyapatite crystals (very similar to tooth enamel) in a beaker of cola, and all the crystals COMPLETELY DISSOLVED in a 20 mins period. Now I know you don't literally soak your teeth in soda, but the acids (carbonic acid, citric acid and phosphoric acid) and the bacteria caused by sugars corrode your teeth a little every time you drink soda, and teeth enamel don't grow back.

    There is also a positive correlation between soda intake and osteoporosis, a google search would give you lots of information. Although it isn't a proven causation relationship, it's definitely worth looking into if you care about your bone health at all.
  • I dropped diet coke a few months ago and I'm losing weight for starters but I don't have headaches like I used to. I feel a ton better and I think that was part of it.
  • I switched from regular to diet soda around Thanksgiving last year. I was a huge soda addict, especially Dr Pepper. It took a while to get used to the taste, but now I really like Diet Dr Pepper. I also lost several pounds thanks to the switch.

    However, I know that diet soda is just as bad for my teeth and bones, and eventually I want to kick this habit, too. It's just so tough -- I love the fizz and the sweetness, and seltzer water just isn't the same. I hate regular water, hate it even more with lemon/lime or ice, and can't even imagine drinking coffee. Anything remotely bitter (coffee, seltzer, etc.) grosses me out. Needless to say, I have a gigantic sweet tooth. This has been, by far, my biggest struggle with losing weight. So congrats to anyone who's been able to kick the soda habit -- I know I should join you but it will be really hard to get there.
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    I have always drank diet but I have since cut out soda completely.
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    I'm on my second week of detox from all suger drinks & do I ever miss Monster/Ice Tea. Its not as easy as I thought it would be.

    it is hard! I quit smoking in December, and in all honest that was a piece of cake compared to cutting out my daily diet cokes! stick with it, i'm hoping it's as worth it as everyone says it is :smile:
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