is not working :-(

i have recently joined this calorie counting site as a last resort.... ive never counted calories a day in my life! i am finding this website super awesome, my problem i have is a mental issue with my weight. i have never been overweight, except while pregnant with my 5 children, after the first 4 i found it easy enough to get back to my pre- pregnancy weight. but after my 5th child, my body just does not seem to want to cooperate. i havwe found myself excersising and eating less and less everyday, in hopes that i can drop back to my goal weight! after all this work ive lost about 5cm around my thighs(which wasnt the issue in the first place) and lost absolutly not even 1/2kg! i am getting desperate! someone PLEASE help me acheive my goal weight saftly!!!!
jaycie dau


  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    How long have you been working out and counting your calories? Sometimes it takes a while to see the results from your hard work. I know when I first started I lost inches in my waist and thighs before I ever lost a pound. Hang in there! It does get easier :smile:
  • eklei123
    eklei123 Posts: 27
    Are you logging all of your food? Because I took a peek at your diary and it looks like you're not consuming all the calories you need to in a day... When this happens your body goes into starvation mode and holds on to fat, not loses it.
  • cpratt55
    cpratt55 Posts: 17 Member
    It honestly sounds like you aren't eating enough. I was very skeptical myself when I started counting calories and everyone was telling me to make sure I eat all my calories every day. So, I took a leap of faith and started eating all my calories. I've been doing fantastic. It's coming off slow, but it's working. :)
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    If you are eating less and less it is possible that you are eating too few calories. You may be causing your body to horde the the fat because it thinks it is starving. As long as you set up MFP right in the beginning the daily calorie goal already includes a daily calorie deficit for you to lose weight. That said, you will want to eat close to that calorie goal each day. You also should eat to replace calories burned by any exercise you do beyond normal daily activities. You may ask "Then why exercise?" You want to exercise even though you are replacing the calories because of other health benifits exercise gives you and it will help boost your metabolism in the long term.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    Is your diary accurate? There's barely enough food and not nearly enough protein. You're body is holding onto the weight because it needs it to function since you're not feeding it.

    You need some protien and some fresh fruits and veggies. That coffee and soup will kill you!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I agree with you not eating enough. Calorie restriction will result in you losing quickly and regaining it back just as quick. And the weight you lost is lean muscle...I doubt if it was fat. Please take heed to what the above poster have said. You have to eat to lose healthy. If you continue on this path it may lead to a eating disorder and you don't want that. I wish you the best.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    There's barely enough food and not nearly enough protein.

    You should shoot for .5 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.

    Also, doing resistance exercise will help build muscle which will burn fat.
  • jdau010
    jdau010 Posts: 2
    thankyou for the support! it has only been a week. but like i said in my post, ive had body issues my whole life. its just that im only now, just starting the calorie thing :-) again thx for the supporet. it is much apprietiated