One's fighting PCOS!!

Hi cysters!! I am a victim of pcos too. Meds would make you feel no better but exercise would do all. I was 12 when it was spotted and was put on contraceptives. It made me too sick. I was ''experimented'' with lots of different medication by lots of different doctors but nothing made my periods regular. I would miss them for months. Ugly thick black hair started appearing on my face and thick black rings too. I actually studied it thoroughly last year and realized, if not treated, what those cysts can be. It actually scared me. So first thing was to speed up my metabolic rate. I am 19 now.

Move your body as much as you can. Walk, run or climb steps. Be active as much as possible. Believe me, just few months back I was THE laziest person you would ever come across in this world and I completely guarantee you for this. PCOS, makes us slow!! Do changes in your grocery list. Buy fresh fruits and veggies. Yeah, I know they are boring, but hey have you seen those amazing recipes on internet? Yes they add magic to boring fruits and veggies. Enjoy cooking. Try new every day but make sure it includes low Gi and crab stuff. Replace every fried thing you like with baked. Bake yourself a delicious whole meal brown bread. Trust me, once you start cooking for yourself, you would love yourself more. Do running or brisk walk for at least 30 mins per day. Trust me it's just a matter of time, you would see results. You would actually feel your body.

I stopped every single medicine i was taking on my own (would not recommend). From April 2015 I started going to gym on regular basis, made my schedules and strictly followed them. I changed my eating habits too. Every fried thing was replaced by baked. Rice and all sorts of processed foods were completely off the plate. Only bread i consumed was whole meal home made ones. Fresh fruits and veggies became my pal. I am 5'3 and weighed 165 lbs in April now i am 130 lbs. I feel great with my body, Things are getting normal now.

If you happen to find a good doc, it's a blessing. A month ago I consulted a really good doctor. Surprisingly, she agreed with me, that I was ''experimented'' and should never have given contraceptives for over years and metformin in high dose instead folic acid +B12/B6 supplements should have given. Rather than checking for adrogen levels (which were damn obvious) she investigated for prolactin levels. Those were high!! it was never investigated before. So now i am on Dopergin-supressing prolectin levels, Metformin 500mgx2 and folic acid suppliment. I never felt better before. I still exercise every day. Doctor tells me to maintain this weight or lose no more than 4-5kgs.

I am the least responsible, determined or committed person. If I can than why you cant!!

PCOS makes you a lot slow, lazy, sleepy, ugly and moody. But, hey you can not let these cysts win right? Every time you do exercise and feel a little better while these cysts becomes a bit smaller and you become a bit healthier, it's when you tell those cysts to shrink there *kitten*!!! And every day we all can work hard and live for no other but for OURSELVES! And WE ALL KNOW THAT WE can DO IT!! can WE?


  • KristineArden
    KristineArden Posts: 33 Member
    Wow! You have provided a whole lot of great information! I was diagnosed with PCOS eight years ago & was improving. Then my super informative doctor moved to another state. . . I have been sluggish ever since and have finally decided to do something. Your post was a helpful push
  • ALMOSTkickedpcos
    ALMOSTkickedpcos Posts: 35 Member
    I am really delighted that it came as some sort of push. I remember, when I finally decided to be healthy, I required the ''push'' a lot. One last thing, when every you feel low, see yourself in mirror and imagine looking a new version of you, hotter and much sexier one. Then tell yourself that you are going to get it no matter what! :)
  • KristineArden
    KristineArden Posts: 33 Member
  • jasminemabry
    jasminemabry Posts: 18 Member
    I recently found out I have it as well but I got prescribed a different medication other than birth control,I am trying to conceive so that where I am with pcos it makes it difficult to do that
  • 07kate07
    07kate07 Posts: 38 Member
    Now I needed to read this, as I have the same problem. Thank you. :)
  • megsophia14
    megsophia14 Posts: 1 Member
    Much needed motivation! Thanks!
  • KristineArden
    KristineArden Posts: 33 Member
    PCOS and trying to have a baby /taking infertility drugs caused me to become depressed and gain weight. We adopted our son 9 years ago--things were going well and I started losing weight /feeling good --then my terrific father-in-law was diagnosed w stage 4 lung cancer (and died within 6 months), then we noticed our son wasn't hitting various milestones...he was diagnosed with autism...since then, I've gained more weight and feel tired a lot. I don't want to be fat any more and want to be able to be active with my son and feel good about myself :)
  • ALMOSTkickedpcos
    ALMOSTkickedpcos Posts: 35 Member
    I recently found out I have it as well but I got prescribed a different medication other than birth control,I am trying to conceive so that where I am with pcos it makes it difficult to do that

    Consult a nutritionist too for pcos diet while you try to conceive. Good luck :smiley:
  • ALMOSTkickedpcos
    ALMOSTkickedpcos Posts: 35 Member
    07kate07 wrote: »
    Now I needed to read this, as I have the same problem. Thank you. :)

    I always wanted to read some one with similar problem and push me, while I tried to be ''normal''. I am really happy if this piece, in any way, came as help to you :blush: try a little for yourself every day. Good luck!
  • ALMOSTkickedpcos
    ALMOSTkickedpcos Posts: 35 Member
    Much needed motivation! Thanks!

    Welcome :blush:
  • Brooklyn2Bmore
    Brooklyn2Bmore Posts: 8 Member
    So glad I found this post.... I was diagnosed with PCOS in my mid twenties (31 now) and until a few years ago, I didn't think that was the cause of my weight problems. Thanks for the info and good luck to everyone!!